In Kurviger 2.1.11 fuel stations and charging stations have separate icons - but the difference is hardly to detect, especially on a smartphone:
- charging station:
- fuel station:
As a first step I modified a style where I just changed the color of the charging station to dark green:
- extract folder “assets” from Kurviger 2.1.11 APK
- rename folder “assets” to “SeparateChargingStation”
- in folder “SeparateChargingStation/kurviger” delete “openmaptiles.xml” (prevent Kurvinger asking for desired style when opening generated style ZIP)
- in folder “SeparateChargingStation/kurviger” rename “default.xml” to “SeparateChargingStation.xml”
- move “SeparateChargingStation.xml” to folder “SeparateChargingStation” (according to hint from @devemux86 above next to [patterns, symbols, textures])
- in folder “SeparateChargingStation\symbols\custom\transport” create a copy of charging_station.svg and rename it to charging_station_green.svg
- edit charging_station_green.svg with text editor: in row 16 change fill=“#ac39ac” to fill=“#0e600e”
- edit SeparateChargingStation.xml with text editor: change all occurences of “assets:symbols/custom/transport/charging_station.svg” to “file:symbols/custom/transport/charging_station_green.svg”
- ZIP the folder “SeparateChargingStation” to “” and copy it to Android device
After opening ZIP as a style in kurviger the charging stations have a dark green color: (442,5 KB)
Of course you can apply any other RBG color by choosing an other hex code instead of #0e600e (see e.g. HTML Color Picker).
Probably it would be also helpful to be able to switch fuel stations and charging stations separately … perhaps I will try later (but do not wait for it )