This week, I had a +200km ride with V1.7
“Automatic recalculation” was off, so I could see the behavior when you are off route.
arrow indicator is pointing towards next “yellow dot” not to the “blue line” as user might expect. This can lead to situations, where the “blue line” is 100m in front of you, but the arrow is pointing left.
I guess pointing towards “blue line” is not possible (performance). -
Often the “nearest yellow dot” is the one you have already passed, so the arrow indicator is guiding you backwards.
Would it be possible, to tune the algorithm so that routing points which are closer towards the end are preferred?
Maybe by introducing a “virtual distance” from your current position to the next routing point.
VirtualDistance = RealDistance + Distance_of_RoutingPoint_to_EndPoint * Factor
- RealDistance is the distance form your current position to the next routing point.
- Factor needs to be tuned carefully.
Factor = 0
would be the current bahavior.
Nice detail, useful in combination with “auto hide screen buttons”
Touch map is meant literally. The screen buttons stay hidden, if the user is e.g. playing with the menu.
Is it possible, to let the screen buttons be visible, as log as there is any user interaction with the display?