Kurviger App 3.0.9 Feedback

Hi @cero

Just to conclude our discussion from the previous version…

For one of those roundabouts I have corrected the data in OSM - disabled the improperly allowed turning left at the exit and added the tag for being the roundabout (to be recognizable as such) - some 4 days ago, usually it takes couple of days, until the modifications are visible in Kurviger.

turning left corrected (disabled)

roundabout tag added (for the whole RB, not only the section highlighted)

As you can see, now the routing is correct and the roundabout is recognized properly as well.

the roundabout in simulation now

You may modify the data in OSM for other roundabouts or streets in your neighborhood, if you find them being inappropriate, to get better routing and navigating experience…:grinning:
…you may do the editing with the little help from LearnOSM, as I do…