(in addition to improvements in the website texts)
We need to differentiate the past from the present at the app level
and use the term “Pro” only in the subscription.
So the plan currently is to rename the old app in the next update:
“Kurviger Pro” → “Kurviger 1”
If you have other ideas, we can discuss them. 
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Then there have to be reworks not only in the website. Then some docu has to be reworked, too.
Some arguments not to rename the old version see earlier post
Some examples of documents to be reworked:
and more passages in the topics of the Operating guide.
When you rename the Version 1 then I need your assistance to rework the docu fitting to your new nomenclature.
We could remove all Kurviger 1 references from the documentation.
It is only needed to include Google instructions on how to reinstall it.
Owners of old Kurviger 1 app already used it and know its features.
Let’s focus our limited resources on the future and Kurviger 2.