Only by chance I noticed, that I can determine an exact zoom factor (corresponing to Auto zoom factors) when I am in map following mode, if I open Tools - Go to - just before I wanted to sugeggest a feature like this!
It’s quite hidden - better place this possibility to a more prominent position in the menu structure?
I KNOW, that I can determine also with the 2 finger gesture - but this is quite inaccurate, and I prefer to have a pre-defined zoom.
I need this usually, when I am cruising behind someone else and I am just following him or her. In this case I activate the pure Map Following Mode in Kurviger to have a look to the road course, and to keep a feeling for distances I like to choose the same zoom factor every time. This is much better done by a determination like the slider in Tools - Go to than by the gesture.
For ME now no more problem, because I found the “hidden” slider - but better place it in a better position one may find more intuitively?