Hello kurviger-Team, it would be nice to fix the above routing issue.
We drove this ferry in September 2018, so this line will still be in service!
Thx in advance! Martin
Hello kurviger-Team, it would be nice to fix the above routing issue.
We drove this ferry in September 2018, so this line will still be in service!
Thx in advance! Martin
Hi Martin,
The problem to me does not seem to be the ferry itself, because while this does not work:
This works:
So if you zoom in and look closely at the underlying map data (which for Kurviger is “OpenStreetMap”) then you see that both roads leading to/from the ferry port in Hella seem to be one-way streets. So Kurviger thinks it’s not allowed to drive there and turns around immediately
We can fix this in the OSM data (which is like Wikipedia for maps) ourselves, and then the Kurviger algorithm will pick it up after some caching, in 1-2 weeks. As shown in the screenshot, you can right-click on the map and then click “Show on OpenStreetMap.org”. On the page that opens you can log in, correct the mistakes and thereby help the whole community get a better map
If you don’t feel comfortable with that, somebody from the forums here (me for example) can do it as well, but I would be thrilled to get a new OpenStreetMap editor (you) started
We also have a documentation about the most common routing issues here and how to fix them.