I have a problem.with Italy offline map. I tried the download also from openandromaps from the smatrtphone and the computer with several browser but there is an invalid magic byte. I tried the maps with Cruiser and they are ok.
what kind of problem do you have with “magic byte”?
I just tested: Download Italy.map from
via Chrome browser and open it in Kurviger Pro App, Version 1.6, on an Asus ZenPad with Android 7.
I could not find any problem, Zooming and Panning works.
How did you force the error?
If the same file works with Cruiser, it should work with Kurviger as well. Are you sure you tried the same file? Maybe it’s worthwhile to try and restart your device?
Also are you adding several maps or are you opening only one map? Make sure that in the open map dialog you choose to open, and not add (Note: adding is not a problem in general, but maybe there is an issue on your device due to the adding?).
That seems like an invalid map file, e.g. download isn’t finished.
Kurviger uses Cruiser platform, so behavior should be equal for the same file.
I download *.maps via my computer and copy the *.map to my SD card.
Then i open the *.map via the Kurviger app, but often the *.map doesn’t open and mentioned then “invalid magic byte”. How can i solve this problem . . . . I want to use the app offline.
That map file is not valid, so the app can not open it.
Probably a bad download or a bad copy on SD card.
How do you download the map file?
Have you tried using the device’s internal storage?
Is the SD card in good condition?
Or somtimes the connection to the SD-Card is lost.
Happend to me one time.
It was SD card problem. With a new SD card i have no problem.
If i open a map, i just see the country map. If i have a tour what is going over the border what happens . . .
You can download and open multiple offline maps at the same time.
I’ll try to import local maps, eg Dach., i go the the menue open map and select in downloads thexxx.map file. I have tried it with different maps, but every time a mistake is shown called: dach.map: invalid magic byte @ ? 4J…
I have looked for help via google, but found nothing similar. Who can help by solving my problem. Forewarding thanks!!!
Such message indicates that the downloaded map file is invalid.
Does the phone screen turn off and the browser stops the download?
What browser?
Did you try first with a small map file?
There is a message in the download server:
“There are issues when downloading bigger regions, like Germany, with Chrome on Android. We recommend to use Firefox.”
See also the documentation: