I am happy to let you know that we finished a major routing server update that we are deploying today.
We are slowly moving routing requests from the old version over to the new version. Currently 25% of all requests are already handled by the new version. We will slowly increase this number to 100%.
If you experience any issues, please report them immediately so we can act fast and stop the update process.
Thanks for the update! Just for my curiousity: May I ask for some details about? âJustâ new and more powerffull hardware? or a different routing software?
I was planning on providing a proper change log, when the update is finished.
Kurviger uses GraphHopper and we did an update of GraphHopper to 2.0. This resulted in quite a lot of improvements and a few changes . But the routes mostly stay the same, so donât worry the Kurviger routes will remain as much fun as they are .
All right, so we are at 100% now. So far I havenât seen any bigger issues. If anything pops up, please let me know.
This update improves quite a bit. Most improvements are on the technical side and you should not see any changes.
Here are some of the visible changes are:
We now use a higher quality elevation model which massively improves the height graph (bottom-right) and also the overall ascend and descend of the route.
The elevation in tunnels and on bridges does not follow the hill or valley, but stays steady. (see for example this thread).
Tracks with no tracktype are no considered unpaved (see this thread).
Route calculation should be faster.
Improved ETA calculation for motorways.
Most importantly, this will make further development for routing features a lot faster, so keep your eyes open for new features and improvements .
Also verstehe ich das jetzt richtig?Auf den Server geht weiterhin GraphHopper. Mit Android offline kein GraphHopper?Ich bin verwirrt
Gruss Rolf
Scheiss ĂŒbersetzung
OSM-Updates sollten bald wieder tĂ€glich stattfinden. Aktuell lĂ€uft das noch hĂ€ndisch, so kann ich prĂŒfen ob alles richtig lĂ€uft. Bisher siehts gut aus und vermutlich ab nĂ€chster Woche wieder automatisiert.
Ok, Danke Dir. Was mich noch interessieren wĂŒrde, wie die zeitlich unterschiedliche Ăbernahme geĂ€nderter Daten zustande kommt? Zum Beispiel in Wegscheid, OpenStreetMap, habe ich die StraĂe verlĂ€ngert und eine Fleischerei hinzugefĂŒgt, welche in kurviger aber noch nicht auftaucht.
Da musst du unterscheiden. Die Karten werden deutlich seltener aktualisiert als die Routing-Daten. Der StraĂenverlauf sollte im Routing eigentlich schon so da sein, oder? Die Karten können leider ein paar Monate hinterherhinken.