[Routing Server] Server Update

I am happy to let you know that we finished a major routing server update that we are deploying today.

We are slowly moving routing requests from the old version over to the new version. Currently 25% of all requests are already handled by the new version. We will slowly increase this number to 100%.

If you experience any issues, please report them immediately so we can act fast and stop the update process.


Hi Robin.

Thanks for the update! Just for my curiousity: May I ask for some details about? ‘Just’ new and more powerffull hardware? or a different routing software?

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I was planning on providing a proper change log, when the update is finished.

Kurviger uses GraphHopper and we did an update of GraphHopper to 2.0. This resulted in quite a lot of improvements and a few changes :slight_smile:. But the routes mostly stay the same, so don’t worry the Kurviger routes will remain as much fun as they are :slight_smile:.

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does this relate to our old (ongoing?) issue


Yes, this is somewhat related, this was the blocker that kept this issue :slight_smile:.

All right, so we are at 100% now. So far I haven’t seen any bigger issues. If anything pops up, please let me know.

This update improves quite a bit. Most improvements are on the technical side and you should not see any changes.

Here are some of the visible changes are:

  • We now use a higher quality elevation model which massively improves the height graph (bottom-right) and also the overall ascend and descend of the route.
  • The elevation in tunnels and on bridges does not follow the hill or valley, but stays steady. (see for example this thread).
  • Tracks with no tracktype are no considered unpaved (see this thread).
  • Route calculation should be faster.
  • Improved ETA calculation for motorways.

Most importantly, this will make further development for routing features a lot faster, so keep your eyes open for new features and improvements :sunglasses:.


Yes yes yes yeeeeessss :heart_eyes:

Also verstehe ich das jetzt richtig?Auf den Server geht weiterhin GraphHopper. Mit Android offline kein GraphHopper?Ich bin verwirrt :no_mouth:
Gruss Rolf
Scheiss ĂŒbersetzung

Online and offline routings are independent.
Online routing continues with GraphHopper.

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@boldtrn wie oft erfolgt jetzt, geplant, ein Update der OSM-Datenbank?

OSM-Updates sollten bald wieder tĂ€glich stattfinden. Aktuell lĂ€uft das noch hĂ€ndisch, so kann ich prĂŒfen ob alles richtig lĂ€uft. Bisher siehts gut aus und vermutlich ab nĂ€chster Woche wieder automatisiert.

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Ok, Danke Dir. Was mich noch interessieren wĂŒrde, wie die zeitlich unterschiedliche Übernahme geĂ€nderter Daten zustande kommt? Zum Beispiel in Wegscheid, OpenStreetMap, habe ich die Straße verlĂ€ngert und eine Fleischerei hinzugefĂŒgt, welche in kurviger aber noch nicht auftaucht.

Da musst du unterscheiden. Die Karten werden deutlich seltener aktualisiert als die Routing-Daten. Der Straßenverlauf sollte im Routing eigentlich schon so da sein, oder? Die Karten können leider ein paar Monate hinterherhinken.

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Ah, alles klar, die Adresse der Fleischerei taucht auch auf. :+1:

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