Very often when I plan a route on the phone they make me aware that I misplaced the marker slightly off the road, because then Kurviger suggests a turn onto some road nearby.
The website is the exact same use case. I know that I could open the route steps list, but I think this is much more comfortable. Could we have an option on the website to enable the yellow dots please?
Yeah thanks Markus that’s right!
However, when I place the marker on another road (for example let’s say you’re zoomed far out and want to place the marker on a main road through a city, but accidentally you drop it on some small side road) then that feature won’t help you, because Kurviger will happily turn away, then turn back. And it’s those “unnecessary changes of direction” that the yellow dots show you quite succinctly
Hi Patrick,
of course I agree again - I knew that effect, that was the reason why I agreed to the feature you proposed.
Had similar experience, mostly in cities with many streets and crossings, might even lead to deviations through residential areas …
Also happens sometimes when using Kurviger Routes on Garmin Device with (slightly different) Garmin maps.
→ Rule: Do not place route point on crossing.
Regards Markus
Why is there so many yellow dots to make turns on road I am already on? Seems overly chatty to me. Any way to remove them or quiet them down or only tell me to turn on different roads? For example on picture at top of this thread, what is the purpose of the yellow dots between 4 and 5 points?
The yellow numbered markers are the waypoints set before route calculation by user or algorithm and indicate the points where the route should pass.
The yellow dots are the turn instructions and produced after route calculation and indicate where there is need for a turn or change in a different road.
What is th purpose of the yellow dot? I stay on the same road which is also a yellow road which shows it is a main road. When riding on back roads and staying on the same road I can see/hear a lot of these but no need to get on another road.
I understand that, but I don’t understand why kurviger needs the #2 since I am on the same road with no changes. Other GPS software would not say anything about #2, why does kurviger need to? I just don’t understand and it gets really annoying when there are multiple of these and the information about next turn is useless due to all of these unneeded info.
Thanks for letting us know. This is an unfortunate example, and I was actually a bit surprised that Kurviger creates a turn instruction at this point.
Kurviger tries to use the available road data to determine if a rider might need help at a certain intersection. Now if you look close at the road data at the intersection, it actually looks like a fork. That’s why Kurviger tries to help you at this intersection.
If you look at this situation in reallife though, the “Wilson Gap” is not a slight right turn, as one might think by looking at the data, but is a regular right turn. That’s at least my guess after looking at it on street-view and satellite images.
If we are not sure, if the situation could be missleading, we add a turn instruction, to be safe (better safe than sorry).
In this case the solution would be to change first few meters of the “Wilson Gap” in OSM.
Since you seem to know the local situation, you might be interested in helping the open data community out and improve the data? We are happy to give a few pointers on how to accomplish this.