Adding a tag in new post does not work

When I try to add a tag into the line on the right side of the subject title in the forum via a ‘+’ - this does not work ( although it is recommended yb the Forum admins ). Neither when hitting the ‘+’ nor when pressing ‘enter’ to make it ‘go in the line’. Is there a special kind of writing or format you need to to handle this?

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I think the issue is that you try to add all these tags at once? There is a set of predefined tags, that you can select. You need to select every tag individually and don’t write a list like tag1, tag2, tag3. If you miss a tag, please let us know, we might be able to add this tag to the system.

I first checked this with ‘landscape’ only - and it did not find something, same with ‘Portrait’ - than I tried it out with severall of them as on the screenshot. So maybe the ‘+’ behind ‘optional tags’ is still confusing as I understand it that way, that you can type in AND add a tag right after. Instead it means ‘search a tag within the already existing ones’ as it seems. That needed to be expressed differently for better understanding.

I can understand your confusion. We use a standard forum software, called Discourse. We did not change the way tags work. The developers of Discourse are active in their forum, maybe you could describe your issue to them and they might change the way the forum works :slight_smile:. Unfortunately, for us it’s not possible to modify these things.

Ok, so for the moment pls add orientation, landscape and portrait to the tags …

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