Hallo, ich habe in irgendeinem Topic (finde es aber gerade leider nicht) von einem „Berechne alternative Route – Button“ oder so ähnlich gelesen. Finde aber keinen derartigen Button. Existiert solch einer und was ist seine genaue Funktion?
What exactly does this feature do? It’s probably that the app automatically creates a new route once I’ve left my original one?
It calculates an extra alternative route between 2 points, besides the regular one.
That is rerouting and can be found in navigation options.
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Perfect, it’s clear now
Maybe you meant the manual rerouting feature? You can find it in our documentation here: How and why can I navigate with manual rerouting? [Kurviger Knowledgebase]
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Alternative routes will be deprecated in next version.
It overloads the server without benefit: navigation does not use it.
Now it’s more for effect. Website subscription does not offer it too.
I may review it in the future under different conditions.