Hi, I am looking for other users of Becker Mamba4+.
Would like to understand other people experience in exporting and recalculating routes.
I.e. I cannot rename an exported iGo8 route on my Becker device.
Another thing would be: "what settings to use on the Mamba when calculating the imported route to get as close as possible to what I orignally planned in “kurviger”.
It’s been a long time since I rode with Igo. I’ll try to help you.
IGO8 is nothing more than a kml file. It can only contain waypoints, no track and no route.
At least I don’t think I’ve ever used more than 48 waypoints. Or split the tour. That is, from break to break.
In Igo I set the fastest route so that it really calculates as well as possible from point to point.
Then I adjusted each route manually on the device and saved it. At least that’s how my Igo versions worked. But I also have to say that I had a special skin for it. It made things a lot easier. But you can try it that way.
Hi CIne, thanks for your quick response.
Well, the way I do it right now is to plan the route in kurviger as ‘curvy’ with as few points as possible and then, after the route is set, adding additonal waypoints to reach up to 40 points.
Then I transfer the file to BECKER device and ther go for “simple route”, to stay as close to the originally planned route as possible.
Making changes on the Becker Mamba is quite tricky. The device is not really well designed for good handling (not the best UI and not the best sensitivity in the touchfield).
Was hoping someone would have a better /easier way to manage kurviger in combination with BECKER.
Maybe exporting in a different format simplifies things ?