Automatic skip supported?

I agree with @linux-user. This workaround sounds reasonsble.

There was already more or less the same proposal and usecase in December 2023.

As I remember the common sense was that shaping points should not be announced, not be shown in the announcement box, should be skipped autimatically, not be zoomed, …

Not because there is a god given rule, how shaping points must behave, more as this behaviour is known from other navigation software.

Finally the functionality was released in beta 3.3.0 in March 2024!

It seems to me it is not as easy to just add a label and one some line of code. Navigation is affected, Zoom-behaviour, perhaps the list of shown turn instructions (as a shaping point with a text should in some kind behave like a via-point), probably more.

Perhaps it is an use case as in Planned Feature / proposal [Audio Point]( from @Hobbyfahrer?

“If you are hungry, follow the route. Otherwise turn right right and follow destination to Stuttgart”.

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