Quick Android internals bug report, you seem to either
request the AudioFocus too late or
abandon AudioFocus too early
How to reproduce:
Plan a route
Play some music
Click on “start” navigation button 5 or 6 times, so that the voice tells you to “in 50 meters do XY” repeatedly
From the 3rd or 4th time on the music ducking is all over the place, sometimes ducks when she’s not talking, sometimes does not duck when she’s talking
Expected behvaiour:
Abandon focus only when all voice commands are truly done speaking
Android 9, Kurviger 1.7 (bug is probably much older)
I know, probably low prio, but just saying, could annoy somebody in the future
If I know one thing from my Android career it’s that anything that looks like a stress test to us Devs, will happen once for one user and that user will write a 1 star review and never change it.
As I said, low prio, but if you know what it is, I’d advise fixing it even if it’s an edge case, before it makes trouble