In tablet mode there are buttons to cut the route at selected waypoint, also in mobile landscape mode:
But those buttons are missing in mobile portrait view:
In tablet mode there are buttons to cut the route at selected waypoint, also in mobile landscape mode:
But those buttons are missing in mobile portrait view:
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Ah, actually the button should not be shown in tablet or mobile view . Right now this button just overwrites the current route without warning, which is not nice. I think at the very least there should be a warning about it. You can revert it with the Android back button, so it’s not super critical, but it’s too easy to “loose” your route without warning.
So I think at least showing a warning, so that this does not happen by accident would be good?
Perhaps a confirmation poupup (like "Do you really want to … Yes / No) might be useful - especially when using a mobile phone and having “thick thumbs”
I just checked the website - there seems to be no confirmation.
Interesting: When using website on Android tablet with chrome, tapping the cut buttons leads to opening the cut route in K2 (system settings: open kurviger links in K2) - but cut result should be also shown in browser, even if sytem settings say “open Kurviger links in app”.
After deleting currently selected waypoint, route is still shown on website.
Shall I create a separate thread for that (category website)?
Guten Morgen,
der Fehler der Schneidemöglichkeit ist mir aufgefallen weil ich folgendes vor hatte:
Die Grundroute soll in der Cloud unverändert bleiben und für ein ähnliches Szenrio am nächsten Tag herhalten. Solange ich die Änderungen nicht speichere kann ich dann auch nichts verlieren, oder?
Wenn man sich wegen “dicker Finger” mal vertippt wäre das nicht dramatisch.
Eine “do you really want to” Abfrage wäre mir zu lästig, wenn sowas kommen sollte ggf. mit der Option “in Zukunft nicht mehr fragen”. Eine Möglichkeit des “Undo” würde ich sehr begrüßen. Letzteres wäre auch sehr nützlich wenn man Wegpunkte verschoben hat.
Good morning,
the error of the cutting option came to my attention because I had the following in mind:
The basic route should remain unchanged in the cloud and be used for a similar scenario the next day.
As long as I don’t save the changes I can’t lose anything, can I?
If I make a mistake because of “thick fingers” it would not be dramatic.
A “do you really want to” query would be too annoying for me, if something like that should come up, maybe with the option “don’t ask again in the future”. An “undo” option would be very welcome. The latter would also be very useful if you have moved waypoints.
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Innerhalb der App komme ich im Modus “Planung” garnicht erst in den landscape Modus, der Bildschirm verharrt im Portrait-Modus. Wechsle ich in den Modus “Navigation”, so findet ein Umschalten zwischen Portrait und Landscape statt.
Landscape links “K3 Planung” rechts “Warnwetter”
Landscape rechts “K3 Navigation” links “Warnwetter”
Within the app, I can’t even get into landscape mode in “Planning” mode; the screen remains in portrait mode. If I switch to “Navigation” mode, the screen switches between portrait and landscape.
Yes, there is not much we can do about this right now, Android handles this internally.
Yes please, I don’t understand what you mean .
Genau, so lange du die Cloud-Route nicht ĂĽberschreibst kann eigentlich nichts passieren.
Ja genau, in Zukunft nicht mehr fragen wäre hier hilfreich.
Das geht mit dem Android ZurĂĽck-Knopf .
Planung auf dem Smartphone hat aktuell noch keinen Landscape-Modus.
On Android tablet the system settings are “open Kurviger link with app”, because usually I prefer to use the app. But nevertheless in some cases I use the website (chrome browser). If I use the cut route buttons (website in browser!): [cut_1] The new route ist not shown in browser, but opens in Kurviger app. But if I am using website/browser, also new route should be opened there.
Planung auf dem Smartphone hat aktuell noch keinen Landscape-Modus.
Ah, actually the button should not be shown in tablet or mobile view
. Right now this button just overwrites the current route without warning, which is not nice. I think at the very least there should be a warning about it. You can revert it with the Android back button, so it’s not super critical, but it’s too easy to “loose” your route without warning.
So I think at least showing a warning, so that this does not happen by accident would be good?
Ok, a warning would be better. But most of all: will the 2 cut buttons be available in K3, may it be in portrait or landscape mode…?
Yes we have this on our todo list.