Closed roads for Bikes in Odenwald L3108, L3120

Hi dear Kurviger team, today, sunday I planned a route in the Odenwald.
Kurviger proposed me The L3108 Hesseneck/Schöllenbach ↔ Hetzbach.
A nice route but closed for bikes on holidays.
It seems also the near L3120 is closed.

I also had a strange encounter where my route had 10 waypoints, and it resembled a big 8.
Unfortunately I missed a junction between waypoint 1 and 2 and came quite near waypoint 9.
Kurviger then decided to skip waypoints 3 - 8 and shortened the tour. (LOL)
It was hard to restore the tour. It just refused to route again from the new start point.
I rode to waypoint 2 myself then reloaded the tour and deleted the start and 1 st waypoint, then it worked again flawlesly.

Best regards!

See also Seltsame Routenberechnung


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@Marek can you post the *.kurviger route file which had that behavior so we can check its geometry?

Hi, I tried but it says new users cannot upload.

I uploaded it to a fileshare

I missed to turn to K4104 when riding L595 northern of Haag.
Best Regards

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Thanks for the route file, will check it!

According to map, probably mean that had passed also waypoint 2, then missed that turn and approached waypoint 10 when rerouting happened?

Yes, looking at the route again I think you might be right…