Dear Kurviger Team,
I would like to see the information in the cockpit when navigating with kurviger
more diverse.
Some data is already being provided in the cockpit.
I have a screenshot of the BMW Navigator VI here to see what that could look like.
It would be nice if you could put together the selection yourself.
Thank you.
What is “cockpit”?
This is what Garmin calls the displays
…die Infos die eingeblendet sind…
Ist aber alles in Kurviger sichtbar
I see. @Maxx61_Dillinger - it might be helpful to state more precisely what are you missing. I think Kurviger team did a good job to provide plenty of useful information. Just saying “more diverse” is a bit dificult to process.
Yes, it is correct that kurviger shows some values when you click on it, or it change the Information. But it is a gain in safety if you could the see all values in a glance, like the garmin BMW Navi 6 do it.
In the selection screen you could select the values ​​in which order you would like to see them on the display. Best without a colored background
I have just listes what is existing and what is missing. The way it is presented at kutviger is a bit unfortunate.
- Turn in time indication (missing) (distance already exists)
2.Distance to the intermediate destination (already exists) - Duration to intermediate destination (already exists)
- Arrive at destination in time (already exists)
- Arrival at destination in km (already exists)
- Total travel time to destination (already exists)
- Speed ​​driven (missing)
- Even permitted speed (missing)
These two exist as well:
That being said, the speed limit will appear only while “on route”, which is IMHO below the state-of-the-art, but that is one technical limitation that the team cannot quickly resolve.
This one is really missing, but I would challenge the added value of it. The displayed value would probably not be more accurate than a judgement of an average biker based on the displayed distance. We all know roughly how much time we need to cover 500m or 50km. We know if we want to have a relaxed ride or max out the speed limits, if there is a traffic jam or a truck we cannot overtake and make our judgement based on that. The app does not know that and would make a lucky guess. What is the added value of that? TBH, I never used such a function, so my “analysis” is purely theoretical, but if you have a first hand experience, maybe you could explain why is it a “must have”.
So for me, most of the information is available an can be displayed. I personally prefer black letters on white background, rater than vice versa (as it is on Android Auto) and I do not like the numbers without background on the map, because they are difficult to read for my eyes. But I also understand you prefer it the other way around. So maybe we could ask @boldtrn to take this into discussion with the team and maybe make some additional configuration options. As for layout… there were a lot of discussions here already, especially if the navigation arrow is too far to the right in landscape mode. Let’s see how it evolves.
Question back to you @Maxx61_Dillinger: since I see you use DMD display - how satisfied are you and are you using a remote controller? I will probably get my bottom kicked for being off-topic, but I’d appreciate the answer.
Ob sie “besser” oder “schlechter” aussehen ist Geschmacksache. Ich finde sie einfach furchtbar schwierig zum Lesen. Das Beispiel aus deinem Screenshot wäre für meine Augen definitiv ungeeignet.
Bei den Anzeigen von Android Auto, CarPlay oder wie oben
Kurviger werden erstmal 30 % vom Display belegt und fĂĽr mich
ist das schon fast Blindenschrift.
There is no royal roard here to post additional questions. I am sorry, but i am just testing the DMD T-865. It is not finally installed yet a the bike. Especially with the Ducati V4 Rally, the controller is difficult to attach to the handlebars in order to operate it safely while driving. A bracket is currently being worked on. Furthermore, a controller is mandatory because the touchscreen cannot be operated with gloves. I will report later here.