Hi. I noticed that some gas stations disappear from the map (offline) at zoom 12 and the others at zoom 10. What is the key to their distinction? Probably not their location or “significance”?
Do you have some example?
Map symbols / labels are dynamic, appear on available space, use collision detection, etc.
I thought so. But there are hundreds of places where such a collision cannot be seen, and yet gas stations disappear…
But of course I realize that human logic is completely different from machine logic
Precisely, would need to invest time and see what happens in map library with specific examples.
Anyway the proper way to find POI will be via offline search (overlays):
Out of curiosity, I installed the map of Germany and it happens exactly the same in many places.
It is worth being aware of this when designing the trip, and do not exceed zoom 12, if you are going to schedule refueling.
Or maybe standardize the disappearance of ALL gas stations at zoom 12?
What map layers do you have enabled?
For reference the POI in maps should appear in large zooms (16-17) and not so early as we have now.
That’s how all maps work all this time, like OpenStreetMap (fuel stations from zoom 17):
Only layer “Fuel stations” are on.
An example closer to you: disappearing stations on the road A38 at zoom below 12,0. There is nothing in this area that could interfere with the display of these stations.
For comparison, zoom 12.0 and 11.9:
Nothing probably for human eye, we don’t know what computer (map engine) thinks there.
(that needs investigation when there is available time)
Full compliance
Somewhat same problem here. When zoomed in less than 14 all layers disappear. Also layers were shown that weren’t even selected (tried to deselect en select again but made no difference). After chosing offline maps, all the problems were gone. Problem seems to be the online maps Mapilion in combo with zooming.
The map layers menu only works with offline maps (which we can control).
Online maps exist only to have something to see when first launch the app.
Please use the offline maps, where we control their content and rendering.