Wenn ich die Strecke Konstanz nach Meersburg am Bodensee route wird mir leider nicht die kürzeste Strecke mit der Autofähre geroutet. Die Autofähre zwischen Konstanz und Meesburg benötigt für die Überfahrt nur zwanzig Minuten. Die Fähre ist für Motorradfahrer bestimmt eine schöne Gelegenheit den Bodensee in seiner vollen Pracht zu genießen, sehr schöne Überfahrt mit herrlichem Blick auf die Alpen.
The ferry is tagged with highway=platform
Could this prevent Kurviger from recognizing the ferry correct?
Yes, this looks like a tagging issue. Will remove highway=platform
, this is most likely the reason and incorrectly tagged, thanks for finding this @linux-user.
Kurviger should allow this ferry in about 2 weeks.
Ok so the OSM wiki says
The highway=platform tag is sometimes used for places at which passengers wait for or board a public service vehicle
Then isn’t the correct response here to fix both OSM and Kurviger? Ok, the whole ferry doesn’t need to be tagged as a waiting area, correct. But also, we motorcyclists stand at waiting areas for ferries/trains/parkings/tolls… all the time. Why should Kurviger disallow this?
This is used for platforms like bus stands or rail roads. These platforms are used by pedestrians to access a bus or a train and not by motor vehicles. This was clearly incorrectly tagged. The map rendering was also broken due to that. The map looked like there was a platform spanning across Lake Constance.
Kurviger behaved correct IMHO.
Ahaaaa, good to know! So I guess the best practise for ferry harbours would be to either have the pedestrian platform to the side of the road, or make a road cross “through” it. Well… most often in the real world there will be a clearly marked road on the asphalt anyway, so clearly distinguishable
Yes . With ferries there it really depends, often they have terminals and just foot paths to board the ferry. Some ferries have platforms, but these are usually public transport ferries, like here. Platforms are most commonly used for railway stations where there is platform to get on and off a train.