I have just been on a pretty good ride over the Swabian Jura (Schwäbische Alb). The tour starts from a fuel station in Hochdorf, close to Kirchheim Teck.
Link: https://kurv.gr/bnyC9
Distance: 175km
Time: ~3hrs riding
On the first part it contains a couple of Alb classics, including:
- Seeburger Tal
- Großes Lautertal
- Bootshaus
On the second part it contains some of my personal and more hidden favorites:
- St. Johann
- From Ödenwaldstetten to Marbach
- Gutenberger Steige (not that hidden
I would not recommend to do this route on the weekend. The Lautertal is pretty crowded and they just recently launched a motorcycle speed restriction on weekends and public holidays. The part form St. Johann to Bad Urach is pretty narrow but overly crowded on the weekend.
Due to the short length I recommend this tour as a evening/after-work tour during the week.
There are a couple of nice stops along the way:
- Bootshaus, a motorcycle meeting point in the Lautertal (WP4)
- Harpprechthaus in Schopfloch, good food and beautiful scenery, not really motorcycle specific though.
- You could extend the route to Zwiefalten and visit the monastery brewery (Klosterbrauerei)
If I am in a hurry I usually ride the Lautertal from Buttenhausen to Indelhausen and turn around at the beginning of Indelhausen and ride back the same way. If I can, I stop for a brief refreshment at the Bootshaus. It’s usually quite crowded with bikers. It’s a beautiful spot. They serve nice Weißwurstfrühstück and excellent alcohol free wheat beer.
This picture has been taken at the Bootshaus:
Attached are .kurviger and .gpx files.
lautertal_st_johann.kurviger (21.2 KB)
lautertal_st_johann.gpx (337.5 KB)