From Neckartal to the Großes Lautertal, Schwäbische Alb

I have just been on a pretty good ride over the Swabian Jura (Schwäbische Alb). The tour starts from a fuel station in Hochdorf, close to Kirchheim Teck.

Distance: 175km
Time: ~3hrs riding

On the first part it contains a couple of Alb classics, including:

  • Seeburger Tal
  • Großes Lautertal
  • Bootshaus

On the second part it contains some of my personal and more hidden favorites:

  • St. Johann
  • From Ödenwaldstetten to Marbach
  • Gutenberger Steige (not that hidden :wink:)

I would not recommend to do this route on the weekend. The Lautertal is pretty crowded and they just recently launched a motorcycle speed restriction on weekends and public holidays. The part form St. Johann to Bad Urach is pretty narrow but overly crowded on the weekend.

Due to the short length I recommend this tour as a evening/after-work tour during the week.

There are a couple of nice stops along the way:

  • Bootshaus, a motorcycle meeting point in the Lautertal (WP4)
  • Harpprechthaus in Schopfloch, good food and beautiful scenery, not really motorcycle specific though.
  • You could extend the route to Zwiefalten and visit the monastery brewery (Klosterbrauerei)

If I am in a hurry I usually ride the Lautertal from Buttenhausen to Indelhausen and turn around at the beginning of Indelhausen and ride back the same way. If I can, I stop for a brief refreshment at the Bootshaus. It’s usually quite crowded with bikers. It’s a beautiful spot. They serve nice Weißwurstfrühstück and excellent alcohol free wheat beer.

This picture has been taken at the Bootshaus:

Attached are .kurviger and .gpx files.
lautertal_st_johann.kurviger (21.2 KB)
lautertal_st_johann.gpx (337.5 KB)


You’re really more of a social rider than the average, aren’t you Robin? :smiley:
Like, almost every time you post there’s some hint or question or recommendation for some meeting point, you seem to really wanna get in touch with others^^

But that’s good for me, shows me exactly what places to avoid when I want to have my peace :stuck_out_tongue:

No, but I like to stop from time to time and get a drink or maybe a snack (I think I am getting old :wink:). I don’t have a tank bag anymore (I am planning to buy one for years now…), because my BMW’s tank is a mess and the only reasonable option to mount a tank bag are these rings that you can screw on the tank lid. But the tank lid is not in the middle of the tank, so it looks pretty awful…

Long story short, I get thirsty after some time and need a drink :sunglasses: