With standard settings, the app stores exported maps to this folder:
It also looked for offline maps in that folder (standard settings). In Windows the folder doesn’t show up (no matter the folder view settings), so I can’t manage my files in there on my PC, but only with a file manager on my phone. Please look into this.
Standardmäßig speichert die App exportierte Karten in diesem Ordner:
Sie suchte auch nach Offline-Karten in dem Ordner (Standardeinstellungen). In Windows wird der Ordner nicht angezeigt (ungeachtet der Ordneroptionen), wodurch ich meine Dateien darin am PC nicht verwalten kann, sondern nur mit einem Dateimanager am Handy. Schaut euch das bitte an.
OS: Android 8.1.0
Geräte: Motorola G5S
OS: Windows 10 64bit
From other operating systems usually can browse only the shared storage as allowed by Android.
In app can grant the storage permission when asked in its file browser and then store the files at any place in device storage.
Or can use a proper file manager for advanced file management on mobile:
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I have dozens of com… folders and org… folders which are accessible in Windows. So why not make the Kurviger app folder available in Windows just like any other app, if it’s supposed to be a file sharing folder?
I couldn’t even save an offline map there, which I downloaded on my phone.
But the app expects me to put files there on standard settings.
It’s like looking into your mail box, but the mailbox is in your house, so nobody can access it.
Do you mean in device internal storage or the SD card?
Android controls the folder permissions in the file system, not the applications.
If I were talking about the SD card, that would mean, that Kurviger on standard settings was looking for files in a folder on the SD card, which would be even weirder 
I am, of course, talking about folders in the device file system:
And the other folders I gave as an example, which are working, are of course in the same directory on the same level - otherwise a comparison would be flawed.