Back then, there was no cloud integration in the app - that said, I also commented further above:
The only question left is, if this should be inside the app or through a browser.
I was asking how you use them. And I am still open to learn how you use them. I am not saying your doing anything wrong, because I still don’t understand what you are doing.
Thanks for providing this example. So your use case is that you actually write down the short links on paper for your own travel log? This is an interesting use case, thanks for adding it.
We would like to understand how you are using the links to be able to provide an fitting solution. But we also need to understand how many users are actually using this and how often this is used. More frequent = more prominent in the app, less frequent = less prominent, or maybe just on the website using regular urls in the browser nav bar.
Thanks for providing the sample, that’s what I thought
Yes, this is one use case we would like to support in the future