iOS BUG: Route info missing when navigation first started


i discovered a weird and little bit annoying bug. When you first start the navigation on the iPhone App, the navigation information (Next turn, time of arrival, route kilometers, etc.) are not displayed. Even if you abort the navigation and restart it, the icons don’t appear.

After riding the first few hundred meters, when you stop the navigation and restart it, the information will be displayed.

Hope you can find out what is causing this issue and fix it :slight_smile:

Greetings from Regensburg :v:

Thanks for reporting this issue. I am not aware of such an issue. Do you have more information for us to reproduce this? Could it be that you are offroute or have no GPS reception when you start the navigation?

Hi boldtrn,

I am sorry for the late response… I don’t really have further information and can’t tell how to reproduce it.

I updated kuriger lately to 3.3.3 and the issue still persists. Here are the debug information:

OSM-Datumsstempel: 8.6.2024
Version: 3.3.3
Device: Apple - iPhone11,6 - iOS: 17.5.1 - WebView: 17.5.1
App-Version: 3.3.3 - 1646
Screen: 375 x 812 px - 3dppx

When I first start the navigation (e.g. when I start a tour), the navigation information are missing. The Problem occurs when I am in front of our house as well as when standing on the road. The GPS is fully available and points to the correct position. After driving a few hundred meters, stopping the navigation and restarting it resolves the issue. Stopping the Navigation on the initial position does not resolve it.

The following screenshot shows the issue. Navigation started, but Routing information is missing.

Second posting, since i can only embed one media item as a new user. Sorry for that.

After about 4 km of driving I stopped the navigation and restartet it. The navigation information appeared.

I hope that helps. If its possible to collect debug logs from the, i can try to reproduce the problem and send the logs.

Could it the the same as discussed here?

Please try your test route again, but add a via-point for example at least 200 m away from your starting-point or at the half of the way. Does it still happen?

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This is very possible, yes.

If you don’t place any Via-Point, you could at least move the destination to be about 100-200m away from the start, this will already help with this issue. Ideally, you will place the destination not on the existing route, so that there is no overlapping part of the route, this will further help to prevent this issue.

That said, usually I would expect that if you start the navigation in front of your house with good GPS, even without a Via-Point that the issue only occurs once you go off route.