Following the introduction and explanation of the new feature “what3words”; in the board "News and Updates" there arose a quite fundamental discussion about the usefulness of this feature.
This discussion comprised two different levels:
1. Is this special feature “what3words” useful, unnecessary or even superfluous and disruptive for Kurviger?
2. How do the developers handle the addition of new features in principle and how do they integrate the discussions in the forum?
I propose to continue the dscussion about (1)here, if users still want. That is why I moved this part of the topic to here (see below).
The discussion about (2) is more fundamental, so we could have it in the board Forum inside - I will initiate a new topic there as soon as possible.
it is interesting in some situations, but do we need it in a motorcycle Navi?
I think there are more important features to implement in kurviger.
See my other posts.
Asking 10 users about their preferred features, will get probably 10 different opinions!
Das stimmt.
Kurviger is an ongoing interesting journey with the destination not even in the horizon.
Perfekt. Deshalb bin ich kurviger Fan.
Regarding its use Land Rover, Mercedes, Sygic, TomTom and others [think differently]
Die Begründung ist für mich unverständlich. Gerade weil Ihr anders seid mögen wir kurviger.
Was die anderen Programme machen muss nicht automatisch gut sein. (Herdentrieb?)
Wir sind von TomTom, Garmin und anderen gewechselt, weil Ihr besser seid und auf Userwünsche eingeht.
Wenn ihr gefragt hättet wer W3W braucht, dann hätten es die wenigsten gekannt. Mir war das ganze vom Geocaching auch schon bekannt.
Trotzdem, alles gut.
@balbok2: Will have a look and reply as soon as possible. But the post of @devemux86 is probably already helpful.
Concerning your discussion about sense or usefulness of this feature: Here a new feature is presented and explained. Please let us focus on this. Nobody forces any user to make use of it (me as well I don’t need every feature of Kurviger, but I guess the developers had a reason to add them and I will accept, and anyway it is their decision.)
There is another group of topics to argue about new features (Discussion - New features) - pls start a new topic there, if you think it’s necessary, so information and fundamental discussion are not mixed. Thank you.
We made the decision to integrate what3words for different reasons.
We believe it’s an interesting and useful feature. I personally know quite some people that heavily use what3words and I also believe that this can help in certain situations. It’s not just emergencies, it’s to give any location a name that can be remembered. This can be extremely handy.
We didn’t add this because Mercedes does, but because we think this is a helpful tool. Kurviger is supposed to be a highly configurable multi tool, that is focused on motorcyclists, but is used for all different kinds of uses. Everyone can decide to use the what3words integration or not. For some it’s helpful, for some it’s not.
Also, please try to keep discussions constructive and positive. It’s perfectly fine to criticize and we welcome an open and critical atmosphere. We are happy about every constructive critic.
To be honest I don’t understand these two arguments: It seems to me like “Äpfel mit Birnen verwechseln” (mixing apples with pears):
(1) One is the reason why you and we all came or changed to Kurviger as a Navigation Application in general.
The other is the integration of quite a small locating code and rescue feature.
I guess nobody change to Kurviger because of any geocoding feature, as well as nobody will change back to a stand alone device like Garmin or TomTom, because Kurviger offers this feature.
(2) Perhaps (!) the fewest users did not know what3words (by the way: How do you know? Any piece of evidence? Do you know any survey?)
But even if this would be true - why then is this an argument NOT to add a new feature, that the developers think to be useful, as @devemux86 and @boldtrn described above?