Kurviger app on top


While using Google Assistant command the focus to the Kurviger app is lost. For example, when I make a phone call, the phone app stays in front. Will it be possible to put the Kurviger app in front after a certain number of seconds?

I fear that is not possible, as we can’t control the Android OS. It might be possible to ask Google Assistant to put the app in front (I haven’t tried that though).

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for me as an english speaker “kurviger” is a dang difficult word to pronounce and have google assistant understand what I said 100% of the time as compared to an “easy” word like “tom”.

but assuming you can say the name of the app correctly.
just say
“ok google open kurviger”

for me only about 1 time out of 12 can I use my voice to launch kurviger.

can someone post an audio clip of the proper way to say the word? maybe I can train my myself to speak the word accurately

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ok I tested this and it works as intended.
instead of trying to say the word just spell it
step 0) have kurviger open navigating a route

step 1) have google assistant take focus doing some action such as:
“ok google what is the weather today”

step 2) in rapid spelling of the letters
“ok google launch ‘k’ ‘u’ ‘r’ ‘v’ ‘i’ ‘g’ ‘e’ ‘r’”

the above command returns focus to kurviger with navigation correctly still in progress.