Kurviger plans the route over a pedestrian bridge

Hello friends.

I planned a route with Kurviger and shortly before arriving at the hotel I was supposed to ride over a pedestrian bridge. The correct approach would have been from the B107.


I checked the data on OSM. It is indicated as a pedestrian bridge, vehicles: no

What went wrong there?

Greetings, Nico

Hi Nico, turn off the avoidances helps. Your route:

Same less any avoidance:


In general I strongly recommend to turn off all avoidances (maybe except gravel roads, but those only on a low level) and let the algorithm do the job - this worked at least at my side since the launch of K3.

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Ok. But this is strange. Because of the avoidances of gravel roads the system chosses a wodden pedestrian bridge?

But it sounds plausible and i tested it also. You are right.
The original access is via the street and not the gravel route:

May this has to be changed in OSM.

Regards, Nico

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The change of the bridge from highway=track to highway=footway has been done 22h ago, please check history of

In a few days Kurviger will consider this change and not use this bridge any more.
Remark: You can see the date of last update of Kurviger routing data in settings / debug information (OSM timestamp).