Kurviger Yearly double subscription cost (2 * 9,99)

Hello from a new user on this platform.

I purchased Kurviger Pro (Y) (Kurviger - Motorcycle Navi) on april 16 2022 through Google Play Store on my Android device using PayPal. I paid 9,99 euro.

On the april 23 2022 another automatic payment on PayPal was made, but this time Paddle.com Market Limited charged me 9,99 euro. In the payment description it says: Kurviger Yearly.

Is there anybody else that was charged 9,99 twice; once through Google Play Store and once through Paddle.com.

Hope to hear from you!

From the Kurviger premium page:

“Kurviger offers different premium subscriptions. For the Kurviger website there is Kurviger Tourer and for the Android app Kurviger Pro.”

Kurviger Features Webseite und App [Kurviger Knowledgebase]

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Thank you very much for this. When I was trying to purchase Kurviger Pro for my Android device a problem with PayPal kept arising. I then tried to purchase the Android version through the website, in which I thought I succeeded. Turns out I purchased both myself.

Just checked out Kurviger Tourer and it - on first glance and some clicks though it - seems amazing.

Thanks again, devemux86.


Android purchases / subscriptions can only be made at the Google Play store.

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