Offline POI and city search

Hi Kurviger Team
Today I was traveling in an area that was not covered by cell phone data, at some point i stopped in the middle of nowhere and I wanted to search for a restaurant or a different city destination but Kurviger went on a search loop without finding neither one nor the other: I was only able to automatically recalculate my route to the next predefined waypoint.

Is it possible to download an entire area with its poi’s and address names that can be searched offline like Google Maps or Sygic do? (when their map is downloaded)?


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Wenn ich in der Stadt ein Ziel suche, wechsele ich tatsächlich gerne zu Maps. Denn Maps kennt in der Regel auch Verkehrshindernisse wie Staus und Umleitungen. Und die Suche nach Cafés etc ist auch easy. Schließlich braucht man in der Stadt keine kurvige Streckenführung und man muss nicht Vermeidungen herausnehmen und andere Einstellungen in Kurviger ändern, nur weil man in einer Stadt ist.:wink:

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Short answer is no. Here some more details: Help with offline mode - #4 by Guenther

And this is why offline mode is not working, having to switch to another app is not a good solution either.

I think there are different expectations of the term ‘offline mode’ - however, pure navigation works offline as long as you stay on the planned route. If you have to leave it you may still use the zoom function to bring yourself back on the route if no data connection is possible. What exactly do you expect?

Getting back to the route is not always an easy task under certain conditions.

And the original thread was about searching for a restaurant or a different city which is a different usage case.

I agree offline mode has different expectations for different people. In my opinion the definition used by Kurviger is narrow in scope.

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For instance, a region or an area could be downloaded locally for offline use so that searches within the downloaded boundaries, could let the biker to search POI’s in the downloaded area even without connection.
With 5G available, there are plenty of options and apps to rely on… but when you’re in the middle of nowhere, you start to think of backups plans like counting how many clicks is the last farm you saw on the track just in case things go south… I’d like to rely on strong digital resources like an offline navigator that can help me to find the nearest town, water fountain, shelter or hospital. I alwasys carry a Garmin InReach device as an extrema ratio but before flipping that SOS lid , I’d like to get through every other resource I carry with me and being able to navigate searching different POI’s on an app and while being offline, for me is tier 1
Check out MAPS.ME : after installing it, you download the area of interest and from there on, you set your start point and search for a destination (address, POI,…) and it takes you there if the 2 points are within the downloaded map: can Kurviger use the same concept?