Re-directing whilst routing

Hi all!

I do not understand the following:

How do I make the app reroute me in case I leave the given route/routing?

It seems like it wants to bring me to a waypoint or bookmark I set previously, despite me driving around that on another (smaller) road.

Google maps - am I allowed to mention that? :wink: - picks up and reroutes as soon as I turn off a given route.

I hope I can make myself understoodā€¦:thinking:ā€¦



Please have a look at the documentation:
Also available in German:

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I have read that before.
I think I have understood it right this minute! :grinning:
Iā€™ll try it.

THANK YOU SO MUCH :exclamation::+1:t3::blush:

I do not get it :disappointed:

I drive by announcement, by the way, and just read the new (and excellent!) report on that topic.
I may find some useful info in that!

This morning I could not state whether

  • gps/navigation had lost me or
  • I had left the route.

Either way, I now figured out what annoyed me:
I had hoped that I would be rerouted automatically from any point when leaving the route.

I have heard the warning beep (ā€œlost signal or left route?ā€) and waited to be rerouted - either back to the original route lost just before,
OR to a new (and equally ā€œkurvigerā€!!!) route.

Gathered now that I hear the beep until I find original route myself, which I do not understandā€¦

That is exactly what automatic recalculation is doing.

Setting | Navigation | recalculate during Navigation

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That is what I figured and tryed.

Iā€™ll try again!!!

Can you make a Screenshot when beeing off route?

Is the app running in foreground wirh screen on, or is screen off?
In case of app running in background, search the forum for ā€œdonā€™t kill my appā€!

Some Smartphone vendors have very agressive ā€œpower savingsā€