Routing on some roads in norway doesn't works, road Tronåsveien is incorrect

Hi Gandalf (lol :smiley: ),

when you find issues like that it’s really important that you also provide a kurviger link that demonstrates the problem. This makes it infinitely easier for us to help out

That being said, let’s see what we can find:

This seems to be because of this road:

The editor noted:

Closed between 1st of November and first weekend after 17th of May every year. The road goes through a protected area for reindeers.
So the access is currently set to “no” and Kurviger will obey that and not drive there. The gate on the other side seems to be implemented better, with a conditional:
Node: 303398800 | OpenStreetMap

I don’t know by heart how Kurviger currently handles conditional access, @boldtrn is currently implementing some stuff (see also discussion here), but I think it would work if the road I mentioned above gets corrected. Seeing that it is after May 17th now, you could go ahead and remove it, or even better: add a conditional from november to May

Those work fine for me:

What is the problem you see? Please provide a link :slight_smile:

If you switch over the map layer (use the button at the very top right) to OpenStreetMap, you will see that the road does indeed continue there. Some map providers have better or worse data, depending where you are :slight_smile: The algorithm itself, used to calculate your route, uses the OpenStreetMap data behind the curtain, so it would drive up there, if the road wasn’t blocked/closed. And surprise surprise, this is again what we see, there is an improper gate there:

Now Gandalf, it is AMAZING that we have you, somebody with local knowledge of Norway, here in the forum. Do you happen to know OpenStreetMap? It’s like Wikipedia for maps and we could really use your help here. If you have local knowledge and can help improve the map data (especially for this beautiful country), I think lots of motorcycle drivers would love you eternally for that. Also, your own navigation (kurviger) will pick up the changes once the servers refresh (in about 1 week) and you’ll automatically have a better application. So yeah, if you’re in the mood, go ahead and make an account. If you have any questions about editing you can ask them here or in the OSM forum

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