Strange routing inside Piombino, Toscana, Italy, EU

(First post. Thanks to whom it may concern for maintaining the site!)

From Corso Italia, Piombino to Porto di Piombino, that’s about 1 km inside the city area, I am routed on road to Civitavecchia (Lazio, Italy), by ferry transfer to Olbia (Island of Sardegna, Italy) and again by ferry back to Piombino. That’s 692 km, most of it on car ferry.

I am not a bit familiar with OSM and I have therefore to ask for an explanation, and to request help with fixing the problem.

Regards to the community

Thanks for your post and your interest in the community :slight_smile:.

Would you mind to post an example route that shows the issue (preferably the short URL)?

To me your example sounds like there might be some access issue in OSM, usually this should not happen. We have some more information about typical OSM issues here.

This is exactly the example I reported:à%2C%20Toskana%2C%20Italien&locale=de&vehicle=motorcycle&weighting=curvature&additional_weighting=&ch.disable=true&use_miles=false&elevation=true&layer=Esri%20Streets
Unfortunately I don’t know how to attach an image here. Therefore:

Do you mean this route ?
If you change the end point a little bit, it will work :thinking:
The issue might be this way

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Thanks, yes the issue should be either this way or this gate. I updated the access value of this gate, as it seems to be the official access to the ferry. So this route should be working in 1-2 weeks. But the best solution would be to move the destination to a regular street :slight_smile:.

I didn’t feel tempted to follow the shown route.
And the reverse route was the expected 1 km anyway.
However, cases like this one may reoccur often if there are temporary measures in a “one-way-system” of roads. There shouldn’t be entered “closed-access” info probably, because there surely will be an emergency-solution, and not a close-in.
Of course, I know by far too little about OSM to suggest a remedy.

Usually OSM data is quite good and the whole community continually improves the data so the more we all use the data and try to improve it, the better it will get :slight_smile:. Please let us know if you see any unexpected routings in the future and we can have a look how they could be fixed.