The journey time is not correct

Most of the time the estimated time of arrival is not correct, it is much higher than the real one. Either Kurviger is slow or I run too fast, but I always have a deviation of 15-20%

I wanted to propose that in user parameters, you can be informed of a ±% correction and that it be applied when calculating and recalculating the route


This also bothers me, this would be a great improvement.

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Thanks for letting us know, we are aware that our ETAs are not 100% accurate, depending on where you ride (types of road, but also country). If you like maybe you could provide a few example routes with the duration Kurviger calculates and the time it takes you to ride that route.

It’s easier to have a simple, personal adjustment parameter.

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I have the same problem. The ETA is really always not realistic. Adjustment parameter would be fine, but the difference is too big - compared with other systems as TomTom or so - there must be a general problem in the software.

And what you want to adjust. Kuevi roads and straight ones. For all kind of roads? inner City and outer roads. And so on. Every Tour is different. And in this case wow exact the calculation is to your speed.

For me there is no need to make any changes to the travel time calculation. I am perfectly fine with the results. “Fastest” may result in shorter, “extra curvy” in longer travel time than calculated. Nothing which cannot be taken into account with simple mental arithmetic.

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yes, obviously, but the previous version of kurviges was better and calculated much more accurately, this new version now calculates more on all roads

I don’t think it makes sense either, every 2x3 I have to mentally calculate the arrival time, I just enjoy the bike and the journey, not doing math. The previous version calculated very correctly, now it doesn’t

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I suppose systems like TomTom, Waze or Gmaps and so on are much better in predicting ETA simply because they have actual traffic data. Most of the time the ETA in Kurviger is wrong because of traffic

The travel time on my TomTom Rider 550 is also off by A LOT (10-20 minutes per hour), so I guess it’s hard to calculate good estimations, just because there are different types of riders. So the easiest solution would either be a setting „reduce travel time by X percent“ or you just keep that in mind and remember that the estimation will be a bit off for your style of riding.

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And how they know my breaks?
For me the calculation from kurviger is exactlx the right one.
If a tour in the Alps is calculated for 10 hours, i normaly arive between 9:45 and 10:15 hours
With all the stopps for fuel or lunch.
And that i am faster for a 2 hour tour. Who cares of this minutes.
And for them who are driving very slow to see the landscape or driving much much faster then allowed, why they need a right calculation? first ones have the time they need and the second ones don’t care about rules, why others should. :smile:
Only for that ones are not able to drive the allowed speed (less thern 15 HP) they need the possibility to adjust.
For me all is perfect.


the slow ones, the fast ones and all, those of us who look at the landscape and those of us who enjoy riding a motorbike, I don’t care if you run a lot or not, I just ask for a simple % as a parameter to adjust to everyone’s taste

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exact, very simple to do and will be much more practical for everyone

I think there is no need to make the app more and more complicated with f
funktion overload …

Is applying a simple % a load of functions? or is it an improvement? It’s incredible!!!

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You are right. That’s why I am able to use my brain for such simple calculations :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Smart, you’re calculating every 10’ 14.5% of the arrival time, maybe then you won’t have time to see the scenery, it seems a lie that you have such a small brain

“I may not have arrived when I wanted to, but I think I landed when I had to.”
free after Douglas Adams

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Understood :wink:.

I do not think a fix percentage will solve anything. A short look at the planned route and checking it with your average speed should already help. To my experience the calculated time is indeed defensive, but it is normally fine at least for me. If you have offroad sections, then it will be weird (normally no speed is maintained in OSM, estimated speed). There are traffic lights, trucks and more, which have more influence than the current inaccurancy, and also the quality of the maintained speed in OSM.

For me it is easier to spent the estimated 1 min, at maximum 10 minutes (never experienced this this) per hour for a break or a coffee, as it is harder to impossible to catch up lost minutes.

Perhaps you can give example tracks, which are completely out of any range to double check.

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