Hi, I’m still getting these messages on the web page. I get a different error if I use Firefox. This happens at page load or refresh.
Message: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation - URL: undefined -Line: 1 - Column: undefined -Error object: {}
(Debug information, this helps us helping you, you can remove this if you don’t want to share this data, it should not contain any personal or sensitive information)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Cookies Enabled: true
Screen: 1317 x 587 px - 1dppx
Are these errors to do with browser detection or user agent sniffing? Its years since I did html and was wondering because these errors do not appear on the mobile versions of Brave & Firefox.
The errors are not a big deal as far as I can tell, just annoying, and unless I do a page refresh, do not re-appear.
looks like the error is the same in gecko and chromium, but gecko uses different wording.
did you look in developer tools (f12), there would be more helpful information
From Brave it gives:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
bTK8NjH-QpYCRf8reYlc-cDH-i74cqFgQSwrpuvqZDDjxaniwyaYft3AiHl6GjNBslgh8VYEBQjbsPhw4fIp6A==:1 Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation
at ae (bTK8NjH-QpYCRf8reYlc-cDH-i74cqFgQSwrpuvqZDDjxaniwyaYft3AiHl6GjNBslgh8VYEBQjbsPhw4fIp6A==:1:4011)
at ce (bTK8NjH-QpYCRf8reYlc-cDH-i74cqFgQSwrpuvqZDDjxaniwyaYft3AiHl6GjNBslgh8VYEBQjbsPhw4fIp6A==:1:4217)
at new Je (bTK8NjH-QpYCRf8reYlc-cDH-i74cqFgQSwrpuvqZDDjxaniwyaYft3AiHl6GjNBslgh8VYEBQjbsPhw4fIp6A==:1:18676)
at HTMLDocument. (bTK8NjH-QpYCRf8reYlc-cDH-i74cqFgQSwrpuvqZDDjxaniwyaYft3AiHl6GjNBslgh8VYEBQjbsPhw4fIp6A==:60:4223)
main.076d9b1db88b4cd7e9c0.js:2 Message: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation - URL: undefined -Line: 1 - Column: undefined -Error object: {}
y @ main.076d9b1db88b4cd7e9c0.js:2 matomo.kurviger.de/matomo.js:1
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
2main.076d9b1db88b4cd7e9c0.js:2 Cannot draw PathDetails for non premium users
y @ main.076d9b1db88b4cd7e9c0.js:2
plan:1 Banner not shown: beforeinstallpromptevent.preventDefault() called. The page must call beforeinstallpromptevent.prompt() to show the banner.
Interesting, that it works today, we haven’t changed anything over night. The error “ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT” sounds very much like an issue with a browser plugin like an ad blocker (they regularly update, so maybe there was an update).
There is something going on, probably on my PC, because the errors are back again.
Its strange that it affects all 3 of my browsers.
I have disabled all extensions/plugins and the Brave Shields and I don’t use any ad blockers.
I will try again after re-booting the PC because that is the only thing that changed between browser reloads.
which antivirus do you use?
could be a false positive on loading some scripts. Try to disable your antivirus and see, if error still happens
Do you use VPN?
Did you try Incognito (private) Mode of Chrome/Firefox? Same behavior?
I don’t use an AV, other than Windows defender. Disabling it dose not affect the results.
Same results with VPN running or not.
I wont give Chrome space on any machine
After a reboot, the Kurviger web page loads without any errors. Reload the page and the error is back so it must be something on my PC.
I can load the page after a reboot without error in Firefox and Edge. Second launch or page refresh and its back.
Well, I found the culprit.
Just stopping the VPN does not get rid of all processes. Killed all instances via Task Manager and the errors stopped.
Restart VPN and the errors returned after a page refresh (CTRL+reload)
I will send it off to Nord and see what they say.
Just to close this off, I switched to OpenVPN protocols and that has resolved it.
It also fixed a couple of other web sites that just displayed an empty page. Carpuride being one of them.
So I’m happy