The above buttons set the algorithm used to get to every waypoint of the route.
it so happens website provides a dropdown menu for every waypoint.
I would be very helpful for me if the menu of the dropdown included an
“override” setting where I could declare the algorithm to get to the next waypoint.
If the above existed I could create a mix of algorithm preferences within one trip.
For me, the typical use case is “day” trips to a “destination”.
I would set the radio button to “extra curvy” for the route to “destination”.
But once there I am furthest from home, and tired, and just looking to get home.
For the leg from the destination back to home I would use the dropdown and select “fastest route”.
So, this means, if I want to go from A to B using a long route, and then from B to A using a shortest route, I have to create two routes, and switch from one to another once I arrive at B?
My goal is about the OP one… I mean I want to go from home to somewhere, then back home. I have setup Kurviger to use the most curvy route, and to avoid using twice the same route. The issue with that it uses for the way back home a too short route I don’t want to use. Then I have changed the options to avoid using main routes. But then it applied those options also for the original path from home to B, and I don’t want that, as this is a too long route.
So the solution for that is to use two different routes within the app? Or create two gpx and to use either one when I want?
Perhaps the feature “Different routing profiles within one route” is less important when shaping points are available in Kurviger (Website and App).
Then you can force the routing to street segments contrary to your selection in the options of route type (fastest, curvy, extra curvy, …) and avoid street types (motorways, main roads, ferries, …). For example you select “Curvy route” and force the route setting shaping points on a motorway to reach an interesting area. The shaping points are not marked so dominant in the map (website and app) and in navigation excluded in the instructions (app Kurviger Pro).
Diffferent routing profiles in one route may be problematic when exporting the route in gpx and so on for use in other navi devices.
Forcing a route by placing waypoints can be done already.
I don’t think, that shaping points would make much difference.
I personally simply create two routes if I want them behave differently.
IMHO Waypoint is waypoint. Why shouldn’t a user change the profile between Shaping Points? We also allow to name Shaping Points and do everything that you can do with a Via Point.
For me a via point is a point where I want to stop. A shaping point is used to change the route to a different road. If at that point I want to change the profile, why not?
Robin, sure you are free to do this. It’s just a bit unusual. Since from what I read here, you do attach a great deal of importance to some uniformity with other software, so I mentioned this.
Exchange of ideas (free) isn’t that what this forum is for?
It’s good to discuss about these things. If there are good reasons to do something similarly to how other systems work, we should do it. But I am hesitant to do something just because some other system does it that way.
That’s why I was asking you “why” .
The other point is, to be compatible with other systems in regards to export formats. And yes I think we should be compatible, when this is possible.
Sure absolutely! I already noted your proposal to include the routing mode in the waypoint type. I think this makes sense and should not break other applications. But I like to ask questions if I can’t understand an idea. And before doing anything, we need a valid use case.
As a Christmas surprise we just added the feature to select different route options per segment. That allows you to plan a tour that consists of different riding styles. The feature is available for Kurviger Tourers. You can select the option either in the sidebar or on the map.
Please let us know what you think about the feature.
Merry Christmas
Was versteckt sich denn da hinter dem 24. Türchen? Als Weihnachtsüberraschung gibt es dieses Jahr die Option verschiedene Routenoptionen für Abschnitte der Route auszuwählen. Die Funktion kannst du als Kurviger Tourer auf der Karte und in der Seitenleiste verwenden.
Wie immer sind wir gespannt auf eure Rückmeldungen.
Absolutely pefect. I just recognized the change while planning a tour for next year.
A suggestion for a New Year’s gift would be the already mentioned direct jumping to the first occurrence on the map when clicking on the map symbols, e.g. dirt road or ford (I even didn’t know what a “Furt” is before I saw the symbol .
Als zukünftige Verbesserung würde ich noch vorschlagen, dass man die Vermeidungen auch unabhängig, pro Abschnitt, anpassen kann.
z.B. erster Teil Autobahn bis Abfahrt, dann das kurvigste Profil für den Rest der Strecke unter Vermeidung von Bundesstraßen/Hauptstraßen.
Das klappt im Moment noch nicht, oder hab ich was übersehen?
In this situation the route calculation is not comprehensible.
Settings: I have put the WP1 and WP2 to the quickest calculation and I would expect that then the quickest route on the N57 would be taken to the hotel, but instead the route through the centre of the town is calculated which is for sure not the quickest.
The interplay with the avoidance strategies seems to somehow interfere with this. I would say if a section is changed to the quickest way, then if an avoidance strategy is set to no highways or fast roads, then ignore the avoidance strategy.