What to do when Kurviger won't follow a road?

FANTASTIC app by the way. THANK YOU!

However… I am trying to plan a route in northern Thailand. Normally Kurviger works perfectly, BUT, it won’t navigate all of the way along a road - as though the road didn’t exist! See the problem at: https://kurv.gr/LJJ82

BTW, I have created many other routes and share them in our Facebook Group “Chiang Mai Motorcycle Riders”. here’s a link to all of the routes I have created:

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trying to localize the problem to the last 100m: https://kurv.gr/ne0Ai and switching to OSM Node: ‪Army Check Point‬ (‪1280317505‬) | OpenStreetMap you can see, that there is a blocking army checkpoint.

If you are sure that passing that point is possible, you - or someone else - could correct it in OSM …sorry, I am not familar enough with OSM to be able to modify the army chaeckpoint in a correct way :frowning:

But from my point of view - as in many cases with many navigation systems - the problem is caused bý the map data, not by the navigation system.




At least on Google Streetview this does not look like a blocking obstacle :smiley:.

@JimShortz can you verify that the local situation looks like on Google Streetview?

Just another routing problem in France over a famous route “Route Napoleon”


Impossible to route on the orange road “Route Napoleon”

I can narrow down the issue to there, but don’t understand what might be wrong.
Some changes had been made recently there.
Maybe, that the error is already corrected in OSM, but has not arrived in Kurviger jet? :thinking:

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I’m not able to analyse or edit OSM data. But a hint for people, which are familiar with OSM data:

Reversing the route given with short link from @lve0200 and @linux-user is using the “Route Napoleon”. The problem for using this road is depending from direction of the route.

Perhaps this hint is useful for editing the OSM data.

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OK, I edited the one ways SW/NE in OSM; will see if it cures the prob. How long does it usually take, b4 changes are visible in Kurviger ?

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It can take up to 14 days before a change lands in Kurviger. Thanks for improving the data there. Let’s see if it works by the end of the week. The data looks good now, so I think it should work.

confirmed working, now

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