Wrong distance between two waypoint or direction

I am using kurviger on web. Fantastic apps, thank you.
However I noticed in the roabook generated taht the distance between 2 instructions are sometime false.
For example :

Beginning at the waypoint 2

  1. Waypoint 2 Total:1.3km, 2min

  2. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto D 915 3.27km (4.57km) 3min (5min)
    Distance dispalyed in the roadbook is wrong as the waypoint 2 is very close to the runabout

  3. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto D 915 3.21km (7.78km) 3min (8min)

  4. Keep right 191m (7.97km) 0min (9min)
    As you can see on the map “keep right” is much more far away than 191m and very close to the 5)

  5. Turn left onto D 159 1.44km (9.41km) 1min (10min)

  6. Turn right onto D 159 2m (9.42km) 0min (10min)
    This one should be approximatively at 900 m

  7. Waypoint 3

I tested it with chrome and IE

Thank you very much

  • The distance and time in (yellow) turn instructions refer to the distance and time of travel from the instruction to the next one.

  • The distance and time in (numbered) waypoints refer to the calculated distance and time of travel from the start to the waypoint.

Thanks for your response.

My question seems not to be clear enough,
For example :
" 1. Waypoint 2 Total:1.3km, 2min
2. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto D 915 3.27km (4.57km) 3min (5min)
Distance dispalyed in the roadbook is wrong as the waypoint 2 is very close to the runabout

My understanding
3.27 km is the distance between waypoint2 and the exit 2 of the runabout.
(4.57km) is the total distance from the beginnig.

Right ?
If so, both the distances are wrong.
It should be something like that :
2. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto D 915 0.5km (1.35km) 3min (5min)

Did I miss something ?

Thanks in advance

Waypoint distances and times are calculated up to their position.
Instruction distances and times are calculated up to next instruction.

So turn instruction’s info 3.27km (4.57km) 3min (5min) refers to:

  • 3.27km distance from instruction to next instruction
  • (4.57km) total distance from start to next instruction
  • 3min time from instruction to next instruction
  • (5min) total time from start to next instruction

Thanks for your answer.
I definitively don’t get it :flushed:

Could you be nice to have a look at the instructions 5 and 6 as the distance between the two can’t be 2 meters (in my understanding), you can check on the map if needed.

Where are those?
Can you post an image with them or a link with a small route?

Link is in the first post :

You can zoom on the waypoint 2 and 3 (at the beginnig of the roadbook).

What to look for?
Waypoints 2 and 3 are far away.

1st example :

beginnig waypoint 2:

  1. Waypoint 2 Total:1.3km, 2min
  2. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto D 915 3.27km (4.57km) 3min (5min)
    Distance dispalyed in the roadbook is wrong as the waypoint 2 is very close to the runabout

2nd example
The 5th instruction :

  1. Turn left onto D 159 1.44km (9.41km) 1min (10min)
  2. Turn right onto D 159 2m (9.42km ) 0min (10min)
    This one should be approximatively at 900 m

Just before waypoint #3


Like mentioned above here and here, there is difference between waypoint and instruction distance / time calculations.
So the instruction roundabout distance is unrelated to waypoint and actually is calculated until next instruction “At roundabout, take exit 2 onto D 915 3.21km (7.78km) 3min (8min)”.

If zoom enough can see that around waypoint 3 there are two (yellow) instructions at same area with 2m distance between them:

  • Turn right onto D 159 2m (9.42km) 0min (10min)
  • Continue onto D 159 824m (10.24km) 1min (10min)

Roadbooks are a bit weird to read at first :slight_smile:.

You would have to follow the instruction and then drive for x km, before going to the next line and follow the next instruction. This seems to be road book standard.

As a side node: there is an excellent road book excel tool from @Uli_LH that can be found here - Creating a Roadbook using Kurviger [Kurviger Knowledgebase]

This can make it very easy to create road books with Kurviger.

Thanks for your replies.

I am going to try to deal with …
Standard roabooks (for historic race and rallyes for example) show always at each instruction the distance caculated from the last instruction and total distance from the beginning.