August 25, 2022, 9:30pm
Hi. I noticed that my credit card was charged with 9.99. But I didn’t subscribed. I also can’t see an abo at the app resp. Google play.
If I open the app I just can select between 2 buttons… Both are marked as “kostenlos” (free of charge) so maybe I clicked one of these in mistake. Screenshot attached.
Pls get back to me! Thanks in advance.
But I didn’t subscribed.
This is not possible,
subscriptions can only be started by users and Google asks for payment details.
Google Play subscriptions are explained (with images) in the documentation:
Google Play subscriptions can be canceled on:
The image shows that the device’s Google Play does not work properly.
Looks like something is blocking Google Play / services.
Google Play is responsible to retrieve + provide the subscriptions in the apps.
Apps ask Google Play app for the available subscriptions (it requires internet).
Google Play asks Google server → caches → returns available subscriptions.
The image shows that the device’s Google Play app does not work properly.
Where did you install the app from?
Is it original Android or custom rom?
Is internet av…
August 26, 2022, 6:12am
Thanks for reaching out.
Like mentioned I don’t see buttoms with a fee to subscribe… At both but tums is written “free of charge”.
So that’s possible that I clicked here to see if there is a difference. But it seems that it’s not workin. (did you received the Screenshot?)
I don’t see any abo… Neither at kurviger, nor at Google play… That’s the weird thing and that’s why I’m asking…
I don’t have a clue where tho cancel it… I just see the fee at my credit-card which was charged at August 22 via
The image is from Android and shows that the device’s Google Play does not work properly.
Looks like something is blocking Google Play / services.
What Android?
What device?
You can post the “Settings | Version | Info”.
This is the subscription for the website and can be started / canceled on the website.
“Kurviger offers different premium subscriptions. For the Kurviger website there is Kurviger Tourer and for the Android app Kurviger Pro .”
this case has nothing to do with Google! You obviously subscribed a “TOURER” at (the WEB part of Kurviger).
If you login at , you are able to cancel your subscription - see next screenshots: