Spielt es ein Rolle in Bezug auf Kurviger, welche Android-Version mein Smartphone hat? Es geht ab 4 Jelly, las ich. Darüber hinaus keine Einschränkung bzw begründete Empfehlung?
Hintergrund der Frage ist, dass ich mir ein Outdoor-Handy (Archos 50 Saphir) zum Einsatz als Navi auf meinem Motorrad anschaffen will, das noch mit Android 6 Marshmallow läuft.
Does it matter which version of Android my smartphone has in relation to Kurviger? It goes from 4 Jelly, I read. No restriction or reasoned recommendation beyond that?
Background of the question is that I want to buy an outdoor mobile phone (Archos 50 Saphir) for use as a navigation device on my motorcycle, which still runs with Android 6 Marshmallow.
In diesem Zusammenhang würde mich auch interessieren, ob es in Bezug auf die Genauigkeit in der Praxis was bringt, wenn das Smartphone ebenfalls die Galileo-Satelliten nutzen kann.
In this context, I would also be interested to know whether it would be of any practical benefit in terms of accuracy if the smartphone could also use the Galileo satellites.
Usually android development does not break “retroactively”, so you develop for a version and then when a newer version comes around you make changes for that version and it does not affect the previous code… Usually. That being said I have run kurviger on android 8 and 9 and it works fine. Also you would see a lot of complaints here if it would break on 6 or 7, lots of people still use those
Your phone gives the best location it has to the app. It does not depend on the app, if you get better locations through Galileo that’s great, it will work automatically
If I would buy a smartphone today, I wouldn’t buy anything less than Android 8 (or at least a promised update to 8). That’s my personal opinion though.
Android 6 is already quite old (2015). Today most apps support Android 6. This might be different in 2-3 years. So this really depends how long you plan to use the smartphone and if there might be options to get updates (maybe through a custom ROM).
We always try to keep the required Android version as low as possible. But some features are not available on older Android versions. In the future, it could be possible that we have to raise the required Android version to be able to continue the development of new features.
In general, more satellites will increase the precision of the location. Only GPS should be good enough for Kurviger. With most GPS devices you should be able to have at least ±32m of accuracy, usually better. Other satellite networks like Glonass, Galileo, and BeiDou can increase the accuracy and the time it takes to fix a GPS location.
In my experience accuracy mostly depends on the quality of the GPS chip. My Xiaomi Mi A1 for example supports GPS, Glonass and Beidou but has the worst GPS reception I have seen in the last years and I tested a couple of different devices . The used satellite networks won’t massively change the accuracy. Galileo claims up to 1m accuracy with consumer hardware. With GPS you can reach around ±3m, with consumer hardware.
Until a few months ago, I had a Galaxy Nexus i9250 from Google. (At the time of purchasing this had been a high end smartphone.)
Alhough still working, updates made the thing so slow, that I had to abandon it finally.
What finally “killed” the device was an update of google services.
Kurviger was still running fine on that device.
Current Google Maps unusable slow.
OsmAnd unusable slow.
Kurviger is one of the fastest Apps on my smartphone.
That said, even if Kurviger itself may be fast, other updates might kill your device.
The older your device is, the faster that will happen.
On my bike I’m using an older Moto G (3rd Gen) with Kurviger as my main navigation device (my formerly used Garmin Zumo 220 now only serves as “hardware backup”). The Moto G is a perfect solution for me, because it has a very moderate power consumption, is waterproof and not too big (5’’ display).
The Moto G runs with Android 6 and the Kurviger app works like charm with it.
I successfully tested the following devices and Android version (although not all of them really used during bike tours):
Ich werde das Smartphone nur auf dem Motorrad zur Navigation einsetzen, für alles andere gibt es ein anderes smartphone. Deshalb ist Speicher etc nicht so wichtig, da hauptsächlich Navi- und tracking-apps und diverse Karten installiert werden. Auch die Akkulaufzeit ist nicht so wichtig, da es während der Fahrt aufgeladen wird. Kamera ist auch nicht relevant. Wichtig ist dagegen, dass es staub- und wasserdicht sein muss (am besten Ip68), auch bei Nässe bedient werden kann (wet finger tracking), auch mit (sensitiven) Handschuhen und schnell genug ist für die Navigation. Das Samsung Xcover 4 ist günstig, ca. 150 €, und erfüllt wohl die Voraussetzungen.
I will only use the smartphone for navigation on my motorcycle, for everything else there is another smartphone. That’s why memory etc is not that important, as it mainly installs navigation and tracking apps and various maps. Also, the battery life is not as important as it is charged while driving. Camera is not relevant. It is important, however, that it must be dust and waterproof (best Ip68), even in wet conditions can be operated (wet finger tracking), even with (sensitive) gloves and fast enough for navigation. Okay would be for example the Samsung Xcover 4. It is cheap with about 150 euros and probably meets the requirements.