BRouter does not generate turn instructions for waypoints.
So BRouter routes don’t know waypoints, only start + end.
That may concern navigation (reported here and here ).
We must post process & enrich BRouter results before use.
Related to the feature:
can be used somehow BRouter Offline for offline route calculation?
Hallo @devemux86 , ist das ein generelles BRouter-Problem oder ließe sich das durch ein anderes Profil lösen?
Hello @devemux86 , is this a general BRouter problem or could it be solved by another profile?
Seems like BRouter’s design choice in its instructions generator.
Also BRouter does not deliver street names by design. They are not contained in its rd5 data files:
opened 03:18PM - 16 Feb 16 UTC
wonderful piece of software! So far I seem to have found a way to actual… ly use a software for road bike routing!
Back to topic. I use OsmAnd and use it for voice guidance most of the time. This would be so much better, if the street names were also spoken. I read that this is due to missing road names in the rd5 database.
Is there any chance that we might have a db that includes those, preferably as 2nd choice so that everyone who does not need them can save the space?
Best regards and greetings from Düsseldorf!
Rodja A.
1 Like
Ok, Danke Dir, ich hatte gerade überlegt ob man das testen könnte.
Okay, thank you. I was just wondering if you could test it.
Implemented in Kurviger 1.13.17 .
January 21, 2021, 8:12am
Q: Is it be possible to enrich extra ? By adding 180° non directional type U-turns ?
I have a prototype from the past that works on all routing engines .
And it is before routing engines started providing turn instructions.
The turn instructions should be generated by the routing engines,
which know the road segments & traffic rules at each route point.
Here I just post-added the missing instructions for the waypoints.