Note that allowing via points and shaping points to have the same weight in rerouting,
then nearest / next waypoint (also in strict) will be any of both: a via or shaping point.
Navigation panels will show distance and time to next any of via or shaping points.
And top-left nav panel will show direction / distance to any of via or shaping points.
There cannot be half solutions in rerouting vs UI, any change will affect all of them.
[DE] Das sind die Optionen die wir z.Z haben:
Siehe meine ErklÀrung oben
[EN] These are the options we currently have:
See my explanation above
Dann ist das wohl OK so
Denn der nÀchstgelegene Wegpunkt könnte auch der sein, den ich eben verlassen habe.
Ich möchte vermeiden, dass ich zu einem schon erreichten Punkt zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt werde oder, z.B. bei Umleitungen, in einer Schleife stecken bleibe.
The main difference between âNext waypointâ and âNearest waypointâ is that âNext waypointâ leads back to last omitted waypoint, like âStrict navigationâ but more flexible, so itâs already covered there.
While âNearest waypointâ leads to the nearest of all ânextâ waypoints, seems what most navigators offer and so what most users expect.
We should also think about the history, and why we got all these rerouting options.
At the beginning we had only ânearest waypointâ - the flexible version
(well and nearest point on route)
Then users complained that waypoints may be automatically skipped; see Rerouting changes the planned route - #38 by SchlesiM
As a solution we got âNext waypointâ (formerly called next unvisited waypoint)
Then users discovered, that you still can create situations where waypoints are skipped
So we got âstrict navigationâ - the strict version.
For users to understand the intention of this rerouting options and also for easy documentation we shoud only keep a strict and a flexible version.
Wir sollten auch ĂŒber die Geschichte nachdenken, und darĂŒber, warum wir all diese rerouting Optionen bekommen haben.
Am Anfang hatten wir nur den ânĂ€chstgelegenen Wegpunktâ - die flexible Version
(naja, und nÀchstgelegener Punkt auf der Route)
Dann beschwerten sich Benutzer, dass Wegpunkte automatisch ĂŒbersprungen werden könnten; siehe Rerouting changes the planned route - #38 by SchlesiM
Als Lösung erhielten wir âNĂ€chster Wegpunktâ (frĂŒher ânĂ€chster unbesuchter Wegpunktâ genannt)
Dann entdeckten Benutzer, dass man immer noch Situationen schaffen kann, in denen Wegpunkte ĂŒbersprungen werden
So haben wir also die âStrikte Navigationâ bekommen - die strikte Version.
Damit die Benutzer die Intention dieser rerouting Optionen verstehen und auch aus GrĂŒnden der einfachen Dokumentation sollten wir nur eine strikte und eine flexible Version beibehalten.
We should have in mind that since âNext waypointâ is currently the default, most users âreportâ to use that option. Important is if they tested all options and understand the differences and what they need.
I will test the strict mode today on a roundtrip with crossing sections. The other flexible options are also useful in other situations, for me less on a complex roundtrip if you want to catch all planned curvy roads. In any case I find it excellent that this flexibility is offered and realized.
is it possible that there are currently only two options for route recalculation?
next waypoint and strict navigation
I have now tried several times to drive a round trip with a detour. As soon as the recalculation starts the whole tour is gone, from 280 km it is only 14 km to the finish. My route has only 2 waypoints, one where the entrance stands and once refueling after about 120 kmâŠ
It doesnât matter if online or offline (BRouter).
Iâve been riding with IGo for a long time. The main reason to use the kurviger Pro is the fact that it now has different waypoint variants, similar to Garmin.
Forming points, which define the route but donât have to be driven to, and waypoints which have to be driven to in any case, because break, refueling etc. are stored, no matter if you took a detour or a wrong turn. But in principle the navigation must always try to follow the planned route as far as possible.