App: Improve rerouting settings


I had next waypoint. Because I was of the opinion, with strict, the navi always leads me back to the abandoned point. It should only calculate the few meters of detour.
There ist no nearest way point to select.

I will test it next time. Would it work with BRouter?



That is based on user preference and in Kurviger long ago users have preferred a flexible navigation model where can exit and enter the route anywhere.

Strict navigation was introduced in latest Beta after requests to navigate in a strict model. So should select that option if really want strict route following.

What app version do you use, Kurviger 1.12.4 or Kurviger 1.13.16 (Beta)?

There is no “Next waypoint” in latest Beta, only:

  • Nearest waypoint
  • Strict navigation

Routing service is irrelevant to navigation or rerouting, it’s used only to calculate routes.

1.13.6. Beta

purple is what I expected, and green is what happen :slight_smile:

Sorry, but alone images cannot help understand the meaning of reports.
(cannot understand the route, where you were, where waypoints were)

So you used latest Beta with “Nearest waypoint”? Then result was normal.
Next time you should try “Strict navigation”, recommended for round trips.

Or we replace “Nearest waypoint” with “Next waypoint” for better rerouting.

Or you go back to give all the options back. If possible, you can place beginner, standard or experts the options menu, so that user can set what they want. more or less options :wink:



where ist the disussion about the design…? I use a chinese device witch works in landscape format, so some infos are too small…

Cannot do that, options must be simplified and easily maintainable.

We discuss here final sane options that most users will find useful.

By the way have you tried “Strict navigation” or not?
Or else this discussion has not further meaning. :slightly_smiling_face:

Certainly not here…
Please create new topics for new questions.

I use the next waypoint…next time I will try strict !

Again, there is no “Next waypoint” in settings, please read them carefully.
Currently there are:

  • Nearest waypoint
  • Strict navigation

I will think if we need further improvements or a replacement for first one.

you are right “nächstgelegener Wegpunkt”


Maybe “strict navigation” should be the default after installation :thinking:

Hmm, then we would loose the “flexible version” that allows automatically skipping of waypoints. :thinking:
“Next waypoint” and “strict navigation” don’t differ that much.

See my explanation above “How do this rerouting options behave?”

No, all options except strict navigation are flexible ones: exit / resume anywhere skipping waypoints.
Their difference is how the rerouting is calculated, using nearest or next waypoint after user location.

Since “Nearest waypoint” can snap near the end skipping many waypoints and erasing middle route,
a safest option seems “Next waypoint”. Then is “Nearest waypoint” needed too or keep less options?

Ok, then “Next waypoint” seems to be the safest option.
This should then be the default, as it would work in most situations the way people would expect it.
I don’t think we need a third option :wink:

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Sorry folks, you drive me crazy with all this rerouting options. :upside_down_face:
I definitly will just use “Brain” to find back to the route. :motorcycle: :world_map: :grinning:


Sometimes I would prefer Next waypoint and sometimes Nearest waypoint.
The “Strict navigation” until now i didn’t use. But there are other users prefering this option.
And sometimes i wish a option “Destination” to come from location quickly to the destination (skipping the not yet visited waypoints except destination).

Therefore I would prefer 4 options: Nearest waypoint, Next waypoint, Destination, Strict navigation,

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The most sane + simple options covering most needs seem:

  • Nearest waypoint
  • Next waypoint
  • Strict navigation
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Implemented in Kurviger 1.13.17.

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“Rerouting mode” setting was renamed to “Navigation Type” in Kurviger 1.14.28,
as it affects many more things in navigation than just rerouting.