App: Multiple route profiles

For reference see:

As topic starter I come back to it after while.
The provided link just leads to an entry whats forwarding the reader back to here. :slight_smile:
When will the feature be implemented into the App?
BR Tom

As we have said before, we do not provide ETA for the features.
When something is implemented, it is announced in the forum.

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Importing a tourer route via .kurviger file works already today, the tourer route can be followed exactly as long as no recalculation takes place.
When importing via short link the tourer route is immediately converted into the non-tourer format.

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Indeed, this seems to be the most intuitive workflow for users.

Unfortunately, the website implemented this feature differently
and stores the weight at destination waypoint of each section.

(you can examine the exported kurviger files and website urls)

So in the app to modify B-C you will have to click on C (End).

On the other hand, a navigation system has the (intermediate) destination in mind and if it’s noted there which profile should be used to reach it? … somehow logical too.
For the website users, it’s of course ideal if we can tap on the partial route to change the profile:

Maybe we can have a similar function in the app?

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More map symbols are lost on a mobile screen, seems not very wise solution.
The waypoints store the weight parameter and they already exist on the map.

Different (user selectable) section colors can be a more convenient solution.
The app already has route touch menu, I don’t know if it can include profiles.

For the waypoints list, I will see what is possible.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Handling Closed Roads / Umgang mit gesperrten Straßen

You can select different route profiles for segments:

  • Long press on (end) waypoints
  • Long press on route segments
  • Waypoints list (menu “Routing | Waypoints”)

Waypoint info (tap waypoints), route segment info (tap route segments)
and waypoints list now also display their segment profile and its details.

Route profile colors can be changed in “Settings | Routing”.



on wich Version is this feature available?
Not in 1.14.14


This is a preview.

I was desperately looking for it yesterday too. Thought it would come at some point in the future. I’m looking forward to it.

Hab gestern auch schon verzweifelt danach gesucht. Dachte mir schon, dass es in Zukunft irgendwann kommen wird. Ich freu mich drauf.

Please make this available… Any way to get access to the preview version?

It is still under testing…
I will see depending on the development.

Thanks so much for implementing this!

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Available for testing in Kurviger 2.0.11 (Beta).

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Für das planen in der App sind verschiedene Routenprofile mit verschiedenen Farben sehr gut. jedoch würde ich es für die Navigation bevorzugen, nur mit einer ausgewählten Farbe zu navigieren. Wechselnde Farben auf der Routen würden mich nervös machen.

vielleicht ist es möglich mit starten der Navigation auf eine Standardfarbe, die man selber wählen kann zu wechseln.

oder habe ich so eine Funktion übersehen?

For planning in the app, different route profiles with different colors are very good. however, for navigation, I would prefer to navigate with only one selected color. Changing colors on the routes would make me nervous.

maybe it is possible to change with start the navigation to a default color, which you can choose yourself.

or have I overlooked such a function?

This is currently not available, we will see for a possible better solution.

The navigation colors are also discussed here:

This is great. Looking forward to taking the beta out for some rides.

I wonder if it’s possible to add functionality to allow segments to also have their own different avoidances?

And also their own different avoidance strengths?

It has to be added first in the server, then in the website, then I will see for the app.

But it will complicate very much the implementation, the maintenance and the UI…