The algorithm for automatically skipping a waypoint if I missed one (or have been forced to take a detour) in the Kurviger app works very well.
But sometimes the skipped waypoint was an important one which I really want to reach during my tour (because it’s a meeting point for example).
Problem: it seems that I’m not able to somehow re-include a skipped waypoint into me route once it is “behind” my current position, because Kurviger thinks it is obsolete then.
Therefore it would be helpful to have a new function to re-include / reactivate a skipped waypoint (something like the “opposite function” of “skip next waypoint”).
Maybe by having an additional button “reactivate skipped waypoint” (in the same menu where I can find “skip next waypoint”). Or by including a new function “set as next waypoint” into the waypoint context menu to make sure that Kurviger will navigate to this special waypoint, even if it was formely missed and skipped.