It’s good to have bookmarks in the Kurviger app. But it could offer a little bit more comfort using them.
So in my opinion the “select” function could be improved. Selecting a bookmark only shows it on the map. Now I have to tap on it’s symbol (the star) to activate the waypoint context menu where I’m able to choose my required operation (e.g. “set end” if I this location should be the destination I want to be navigated to).
This feels a bit inconvenient, although navigating to a certain bookmark / favorite is probably one of the most used functions in this context. And tapping on a bookmarks symbol on the map can be quite a fiddling if wearing gloves or while not using a very near zoom level (too likely to tap beside).
Maybe it would be better to change the behaviour of the “select” function so that it first activates a menu similar to the waypoint context menu. Of course with an additional menu item “show on map” to surrogate the current “select” function.