For route where I am creating a backway or a specific shape I right click on the location then select Shaping or Via point and the point is added to the route.
Then I click on the point i just added to pop the name dialogue and I type the name and press return. Generally I type the road name and the town name. I might add Cafe or Fuel or Lookout.
It would greatly speed up my route planning if the right click on the map / set a Waypoint type inserted the Name and Address for example “Great Ocean Road, Anglesea” from the “What’s Here” dialogue. Currently the Waypoint name defaults to the GPS coordinates.
Have you played around with the “What’s here” dialogue a bit more? Do you feel like this usually provides good results for how you would name a waypoint?
Using your example, the whats here won’t show me Great Ocean Road, but will show me some minor side road.
The what’s here is unfortunately one of the few things where we can’t change that much right now.
If you use the function outside of a city, it might still show the city name, because OSM might know about city boundaries as they are defined legally, so you are outside of the city but the land might be still attributed to a certain council.
The naming is probably most relevant for Via Points? For VPs I would care about the name of the place where I stop. So I would name my VPs like “Restaurant ABC” or “Lookout” and usually not by the city? Or do you plan these for VPs?
So I do have some mixed feelings about this, I agree 100%, that this might be nice for some results, but if the result is wrong regularly, the feature will be more annoying than helpful?
Yes this is true, upon moving the name would need to be repopulated.
Even if waypoints are not automatically named then in that case if I move it surely it’s wrong unless it is generic like Fuel, Lookout, Cafe, Hotel or unless I move it only a few meters and the name is still accurate.
Naturally when moving a waypoint Kurviger automatically inserts the new GPS Coordinates but if you have named the Waypoint it keeps the name as below
rtept lat=“-35.06528” lon=“149.914259”)(name>)-35_064283 149_91107 I named this(/name)(desc)Waypoint 2(/desc)(sym)Flag, Blue(/sym)“”
[I’ve forgotten how to delimit html so it shows as pure text]
So detecting that a user entered name exists the Waypoint detail should pop up to allow edit or confirm
One of my actions is that I will add waypoints between start and end and I have a long list GPS coordinates. Exporting this to a road book for distribution or my Garmin is technically correct but nothing I can give to me ride buddies to talk about the route. So I name them all, in many cases I will right click and look at the What’s Here and I’ll copy and paste that detail into the waypoint name.
I suppose it could be a configuration selection;
Automatically Name Waypoints Yes/No
Ok got it, I have added this to our list of stuff to consider. We definitely need a good way to handle this to be not annoying. So maybe a setting, or a button / function somewhere.