ich würde mir eine Möglichkeit wünschen Motorradtouren für Elektro Motorräder planen zu können. Da es bei längeren Touren wichtig ist in den Pausen zwischenladen zu können wäre es hilfreich wenn man Ladesäulen angezeigt bekommen würde. Optimal wäre natürlich wenn man diese POI selber importieren könnte da ständig neue hinzu kommen. Ist diese möglich oder vielleicht für die Zukunft bei Kurviger.de geplant?
Currently you may try to import the charging stations as a gpx overlay into Kurviger.
Kurviger uses OpenStreetMap (OSM) as its map source.
As far as I can see there are still very few charging stations entered into OSM.
goingelectric.de seems to maintain their own database although they use OSM as a map source. That’s a pitty, because IMHO the information would be more useful in a open map than in a proprietary database.
Yes, goingelectric use there own database. But you can export the charging stations as POI’s. But kurviger.de can not Import them. If you could import POI that would be the solution.
Ok, I experimented a little bit with goingelectric.de.
I exported all charging stations of Germany into a gpx file.
The file is ~3.6MB and has ~15000 POI
When trying to import this, Kurviger App crashes.
Then I reduced the file to ~1000 POI
Now it is possible to import the gpx as an overlay
( Routing | Imortieren | Routendatei - nur Overlay),
but the app becomes noticeable slower.
thank you for your test and the solution. Until now I don’t use the APP. Normaly I use the PC verion and Import the file to my Garmin Zumo. It is not confortable to create a tripp at an smart phone, I mean. I am looking for a PC version to create my trips.
The website is even capable to load whole germany from goingelectric, but slows down considerable. My reduced example from the screenshot above, is working without noticeable performance limitations.
To remove unwanted POIs from the GPX file I’ve used GpsPrune
There you can mark areas, and delete unwanted Waypoints.
Not extremely comfortable, but working.
The future will be electric, but it is still a long way to go.
you should give it a try.
Especially for spontaneus trips it is so easy to use. https://docs.kurviger.de/de/app
(long press on the map is the key to get started)
With Kurviger Pro you get additionally to the free version:
offline Navigation
(Internet is only needed to calculate a new route)
offline maps
it costs less than a fill of gas
And no, I am not affiliated with the Kurviger team in any way.
I am just an enthusiastic user.
To get back to the main question - would you expect anything different from Kurviger from a routing perspective for electric motorcycles? I guess you would still prefer curves, and avoid motorways? If it’s just about the overlays, which works already, we should change the topic title and move the topic to a different category ?
Overlays are not relay a solution. I is only a workaround. To plan a tour with an electric motorcycle optimally, it is important that charging stations are displayed directly. It would also be very good if you could set a radius of action to rightfully choose the next charging station.