I tried to import the Assietta track GPX downloaded from
Import failed due to special character in track name - perhaps import could handle such problems.
After removing that character with text editor import was successful.
Furthermore the error message should be shown for a longer time (confirmation button?) - it is faded out after 1-2 sec, that’s quite fast!
The problem actually is in the encoding of the GPX file, i.e. how it was created.
Since it contains special characters, should be in the universal UTF-8 encoding, instead it’s declared as the restricted ISO-8859-1…
That’s why also its “creator” DE text (line 4) appears wrong if open it with a regular editor.
Interesting, if open the GPX on desktop, e.g. with Cruiser, it’s imported fine.
So also the Android plays a role as being more strict in GPX (XML) parsing.
Will need to see for a workaround for wrong file encodings, like in that case.
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I found a workaround, it will be included in next Kurviger. 
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thanks a lot, I just did a test with kurviger 1.3, it works fine!