We had this already in old forum, and I would like to refresh it here - also with another context:
I usually have a destination I want to cruise to, let’s say for a one day’s trip. And want to use other roads on the way back.
So - how to avoid to get on the same route back as on the way to the destination?
How do YOU solve this?
We usually do it by planning (a) a round trip or by planning (b) a route including home - destination - position nearby home, with option "avoid using same road twice".
But in every case on the main screen we only get the information of remaining distance / time to the LAST waypoint (= home) - but would like to see time /distance to the “real” destination = NEXT waypoint alltime during cruising = on the main navigation screen (we know indeed, we could get this information by other means).
So, and as suggested by others already in other topics:
Would it not be useful (and I guess not so hard to realize) to enable an option on the main navigation screen to switch between "distance/time to destination" and "disance/time to next waypoint"?
That needs more steps & UI to select waypoints. Programmed for a future version.
First simpler step is to handle the situation versus the next waypoint.