For mulitple day routing I would need a way to split a long route into pieces
On the web version I can choose Route1/Route2 for this but the android app does not have this.
So how would I plan a multiple day route on my android tablet using kurviger pro?
The website version is difficult to use on a 10.5 inch tablet, as everything is just too small.
Desktop screen and experience can be quite different than mobile.
In the app can plan multiple routes and export them in separate kurviger files for easy reference.
Also manage / remove the waypoints via “Routing | Waypoints” menu.
Hi, I use only the pro app on a android tablet, the app works nice exept missing some features to make it perfect:
Split route
Rename waypoints (start and end)
Add shaping point in stead of Via, or set “No warning” on selected array of Waypoints.
Show multiple routes in one screen and edit only the selected one.
Change colors of the route’s would be handy here.
Offline routing! I especially bought the Pro app, because off the offline Maps, but it was a disappointment that makein a route is not possible offline.
UNDO funtion for if I messed up the route.
With these feastures added I would have no problem to pay more than 10 Euro for the App.
The it can fully replace Garmin Basecamp.