Kurviger 1.4

Kurviger 1.4 is on Google Play:

- Navigation: actions menu in real time (tap next instruction) (Pro)

Navigation gets its own actions menu (tap on next instruction at top-left).
Current options: Rerouting, Voice guidance, Auto zoom and…

- Navigation: skip next waypoint option (Pro)

Skip next waypoint easily with rerouting from location, via navigation menu.

- Navigation: show next waypoint number (Pro)

Distance panel (in waypoint mode via tap) shows also next waypoint number & distance.

- Navigation: after arrival at destination, can follow location (Pro)

Optionally when arrive at destination, can continue seamlessly in follow location mode.

- Navigation: restore map state when switch navigation on / off (Pro)

Switching navigation on / off, last map state is saved / restored, i.e. follow location, map orientation, map rotation / tilt / zoom.

- Navigation: speed display option (Pro)

The speed panel becomes optional, like altitude panel.

- Routing: revised calculation protecting current route

Routing is performed in a revised way, protecting current route in case of unsuccessful results.

- Map: GPS 3D map orientation option

Map orientation modes (tap compass) are enriched with GPS 3D option, i.e. map rotation / tilt.

We’re looking forward for your feedback about the new version and we wish you a nice Kurviger experience! :motorcycle: :racing_car:


In navigation can switch map rotation on / off via its actions menu (not compass tap).
Or you would like to keep map rotation switch also via tap on compass?
But then cannot easily revert map north with compass single tap.

What are your thoughts for that workflow?

Wieder mal ein klasse Update. :+1:
Danke dafür.
Gruß Oliver


I think the screenshot really shows that in some future version the “custom” textviews/panels (Height, time, speed…) could use a material design overhaul. They don’t really fit the clean, calm, lightweight style of the rest of the app anymore, too round

Other than that cool update, kudos


Have you seen Material Design 2 in Android 9 Pie?
Panels become more and more round than ever… :smiley:


first of all thanks for the nice update. I like the “skip next waypoint” feature.

But when i tap on compass during navigation nothing happens. It doesnt revert the map to north.
I quite liked the old funktion when tapping on the compass that the map rotation was toggled. I often used it when zooming during navigation.



Please see my above posts where changes are explained in detail.

When map rotation is enabled, naturally cannot expect to revert map since it’s rotated continuously from GPS. Would need to disable map rotation first.

Now that map rotation can be switched on / off in new navigation menu (seen above), thought to leave compass tap only for revert map north (like happens outside navigation).

If you all think instead that prefer compass tap inside navigation to switch map rotation on / off, can always return to that previous workflow.
But then won’t have revert map north functionality, it’s all about choices. :slightly_smiling_face:

Danke, für die bisher geleistete gute Arbeit. :+1:


Sorry. I missunderstand something. Makes sense to me that reverting isn’t possible when its rotated from GPS.
However, i liked the old way more. But maybe someone just needed this function for his purpose.
Maby if both funktion are needed it is possible to tap the compass (when the map is rotated from gps) the map will revert to north and after some time (like “snap back to route” when navigating) it is rotated with gps again.

First: Great progress again - THANK YOU !! :ok_hand:t4::+1:t2::grinning:

Hmmm - seems to me that for MY behaviour map rotation switch by tap on compass was much more useful. Now it needs THREE taps on different positions in the GUI, not good when switching frequently while moving how I do.

Map reverting to north worked before pretty easy by a second tap on the compass and choosing “manual” again (as described in my contribution to Docu), what I do not need often compared to switch between rotation on and rotation off, because I rotate map by two fingures gesture only very seldom.

But that is indeed MY case …

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Obviously I am not alone with this - same in my case! :wink:

App is certainly not written in stone, consider it a being that evolves continuously!

Let’s see - now with the new navigation menu - how can enhance user workflow.
Features can always come back or change behavior based on your feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

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That is one of the reasons I REALLY feel fine here!!!

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Thanks for providing the extended route scale!

I just did some tests with the example provided in the “Kurviger 1.3” discussion, works well!

I think I will use a width of 20-25%, for me the limit of 20% is ok.

Thanks and regards


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I forgot to mention that change! :slightly_smiling_face:

Min 10% is extremely thin, that’s why 20% was set for now, let’s see how it works!

Perfekt! Optimale Kundenbetreuung :slight_smile:

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Stay tuned for Kurviger 1.4.1 with restored compass tap workflow! :slightly_smiling_face:

Another great update for this splendid app - you guys are really responsive to the feedback of your users fanbase!

LIKE! :+1:

Very useful! Maybe a little improvement would be possible: if I import another route, all my settings are reverted back to default values. It would be better to preserve the last personal settings permanently to avoid being forced to adjust them every time.

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When import a route, map moves / zooms to show the whole route.
Or if imported route is outside map screen, cannot know where it is.
The follow location and map orientation modes are not affected.
Only the map rotation, tilt are reset with the new zoom value.

Do you mean those 2 variables?